In today’s educational landscape, one of the significant challenges is the lack of an effective, direct, and immediate feedback system during the teaching and learning process. Classhall aims to address this issue by providing access to premium, media-rich, and interactive lessons while ensuring that every student receives the necessary feedback to enhance their learning experience.

The Feedback Gap in Traditional Classrooms

In a typical classroom, teachers often conclude lessons by asking students questions to gauge their understanding. However, the effectiveness of this method is limited by the class size. In large classes, teachers usually ask the entire class if they understand, and students typically respond with a unanimous “yes,” even if some don’t grasp the lesson’s fundamental concepts. This issue is compounded by students’ reluctance to admit their lack of understanding due to shyness or shame.

Classrooms are filled with students of varying cognitive abilities: fast learners, slow learners, and those who need extra help. For effective learning to occur, there must be direct and immediate feedback. Both students and teachers need to know how well the material is understood and which areas need more explanation.

Challenges in the Nigerian School System

The typical Nigerian school system struggles with processing feedback efficiently. The evaluation mechanisms, such as weekly lessons, continuous assessment tests, and termly exams, do not provide the necessary ongoing feedback. Only the end-of-term exams, designed to assess a student’s academic standing and decide if they can proceed to the next level, truly fulfill the purpose of feedback. Ideally, this assessment should happen on a lesson-by-lesson basis, ensuring that students grasp the fundamental concepts before moving on to more complex topics.

The curriculum is structured so that certain lessons are prerequisites for others. For instance, understanding the definition of economics is essential before grasping concepts like scarcity and wants. Similarly, in mathematics, indices must be taught before logarithms. An effective system ensures students understand prerequisite lessons before moving on to subsequent ones.

Leveraging Technology for Effective Learning

This is where Classhall’s smart learning technology comes into play. The platform ensures that students cannot proceed to the next lesson unless they thoroughly understand the current one. This game-based learning model uses a vast database of standard questions from external examinations like SSCE, UTME, BECE, and JSCE. At the end of each lesson, students must answer a set of questions with at least 70% accuracy to unlock the next lesson. If they fail, they receive a different set of questions on the same topic to prevent cramming or guesswork.

Students are encouraged to review the lesson again to better understand it before retaking the test. Their performance is tracked, and points are awarded based on their test scores. For instance, scoring 70% on a test earns 5 points, while 100% earns 10 points, and failing deducts 15 points. This point system helps identify and rank the best performers on the platform, with a hall of fame showcasing the top 10 students. These students are rewarded with small gifts at the end of the term to recognize and appreciate their efforts.

Classhall as a Home-Based Learning Aid

Classhall aims to partner with schools to incorporate smart learning as a home-based learning aid. Students can review lessons taught in school at home, during weekends, or holidays, and even prepare ahead of a term or session. They can retake termly examinations multiple times, encountering new questions each time, until failure becomes impossible. This continuous exposure to exam-style questions from an early stage ensures that students are well-prepared for major exams by the time they reach higher grades.

By integrating technology into the learning process, Classhall not only addresses the feedback gap in traditional classrooms but also provides a more personalized and effective learning experience for every student.

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