<li>Vegetables - Tomato</li>
<li>Beverages - Cocoa</li>
<li>Oil - Oil Palm</li>
<h2>Tomato: <em>Lycopersicon esculentum</em></h2>
<h3>Description of Tomato</h3>
This is an annual vegetable crop grown for its fruits. The plant has a weak hairy and triangular stem which bears side branches. It has compound leaves, borne alternately on the stem and branches. Tomato bears yellow flowers; the fruit are green and turn red, pink or yellow when ripe. The fruit can be eaten raw/ cooked, used for soup or stew preparation, or in preparing vegetable salad and other food.
<h3>Varieties of Tomato</h3>
Cultivated varieties of tomato are Roma, Bonny best, Hot set, Ife plum, Romita, money-maker, pork, and local cultivars.
<h3>Land Preparation for Tomato Cultivation</h3>
Land clearing is done manually with cutlass, ridges is made with hoe, or can be prepared by ploughing, harrowing and ridging.
<h3>Method of Propagation</h3>
Propagation is by seed planted either directly or first in nursery and later transfer to the field. The planting could be by drilling or broadcasting.
<h3>Soil Requirement</h3>
It does best in a rich drained loamy soil.
Tomato is a warm season crop and does best under dry condition. Annual rainfall is 750mm. Temperature is between 20ºC to 25ºC.
<h3>Planting Date</h3>
Early September to October
<h3>Seed Rate</h3>
5-10kg of seeds/ha
<h3>Nursery Practices</h3>
It is done on ground, beds or seed boxes.
Seeds are sown in drill 5cm apart and 2.5cm deep
Shading, mulching, weeding and watering are done.
Nursery last for 3 weeks when the plants are at three leaved stage
<li>60cm × 60cm without staking</li>
<li>50cm × 30cm with staking</li>
Transplanting is done after the seedlings have reached about 15-20cm tall. This is about 25-30days. The plants should have attained up to 4-5 leaves stage before transplanting to the field. Planting in the field is 45-60cm between rows and 30-45cm between plants. Transplanting should done in the evening or during cool weather together with the ‘ball of earth’ to ensure survival of the seedlings.
<h3>Cultural Practices</h3>
<li>Watering (this should be done immediately after transplanting morning and evening)</li>
<li>Fertilizer application: NPK 15:15:15 and organic manure are necessary</li>
<li>Staking: this is to enable plants stand erect and prevent lodging. It also allows for good fruiting and keep fruit from disease attack arising from contact with soil.</li>
<h3>Harvesting, Processing and Storage</h3>
Tomato matures between 2-4 months after planting (from transplanting). Harvesting is done by hand picking and it starts as from two months. For a short period, tomato can be stored in a refrigerator or spread on the floor in an airy room. For a long term storage, tomatoes are turned into paste and canned
<h3>Pests of Tomato</h3>