Forest and Forest Uses: Meaning and Types of Forests

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<h1><strong>RISK FACTORS IN WATER AND FISH FARMING</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Risk Factors in Water and Fish Farming</li> <li>Fishing Tools</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Risk Factors in Water and Fish Farming</strong></h2> These have to do with factors that are capable of causing water pollution and danger to fish and other aquatic organisms. Some of the risk factors in water and fish farming include: <h3>1. <strong>Use of chemicals</strong></h3> When residues of these chemicals used by farmers in farming activities are washed by rain water into a nearby river, stream, pond etc. that body of water will be contaminated and the lives of the fish in such water body will be at risk. <h3>2.<strong> Discharge of petroleum oil into water bodies</strong></h3> Accidental or deliberate discharge of petroleum oil into water bodies can be a major risk factor in marine ecosystem <h3>3. <strong>Industrial effluents and sewage discharge </strong></h3> Industrial effluents discharged from food processing plants, paper mills, breweries, tanneries etc. into small and large water bodies can pollute the fish environment and have negative impact on aquatic ecosystem. <h3>4. <strong>Domestic waste</strong></h3> Waste water resulting from domestic sewage (human faeces and urine, small washing, food processing or preparation and cleaning of utensils) that are in most cases channeled into water bodies can cause depletion of oxygen   <h2><strong>Fishing Tools</strong></h2> The fishermen used different types of fishing in Nigeria. The most common ones among others are: <ol> <li>Hooks and Lines or Rod and Line</li> <li>Nets (Cast and Throw Nets, Gill Nets, Seine Nets, Lift Nets, scooping net, clap net)</li> <li>Spears (Harpoons)</li> <li>Gourds</li> <li>Fishing Cages</li> <li>Baskets</li> <li>Pots</li> <li>Fishing spears</li> <li>Fishing trap</li> </ol>   <strong>EVALUATION</strong> 1. Explain the following risk factors in water and fish farming. (i) Accidental discharge of petroleum oil into water bodies. (ii) Use of chemicals such as Gamalin 20 to harvest fish.

Meaning and Differences between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture

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<h1><strong>SUBSISTENCE AND COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture</li> <li>Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture</li> <li>Characteristics of Commercial Agriculture</li> <li>Differences between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture</li> <li>Problems of Subsistence Farming</li> <li>Problems of Commercial Agriculture</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture </strong></h2> Basically, agriculture is of two types. All farmers are not the same. Some are rich while others are poor; some have large areas of land while others have very limited land space. The differences among all farmers help to categorize agriculture into two major types, namely subsistence and commercial agriculture. <h3><strong>Subsistence Agriculture (Subsistence Farming) </strong></h3> Subsistence farming is the type of agriculture whereby a farmer cultivates the soil and rears animals in order to produce food enough to feed himself and his family, with little or none left for to be sold. <h3><strong>Commercial Agriculture (Commercial Farming) </strong></h3> This is the type of farming which involves the production of cash crops and animals in large quantity. Food are produced mainly for sale with a motive to make maximum profit. Commercial agriculture is therefore a profit-oriented venture/enterprise. <h2></h2> <h2><strong>Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture</strong></h2> The following are the characteristic features of subsistence agriculture:

Farm Machinery Maintenance Practices and Precautionary Measures

<h1>FARM MACHINERY MAINTENANCE PRACTICES AND PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Reasons for Maintaining Farm Machines</li> <li>Maintenance of Farm Machinery</li> </ol>   <h2>Reasons for Maintaining Farm Machines</h2> The reasons for maintenance practice are as follows: <ol> <li>To ensure maximum or efficient use of farm machine</li> <li>To keep the machines in a good working condition.</li> <li>To increase their useful life or life span</li> <li>To prevent them from becoming obsolete or from deteriorating</li> <li>To detect or spot the potential machine failure and safety from hazards</li> <li>To prevent vibrations that can produce irritating noise on the farm.</li> <li>Checking oil and water levels regularly prevents any overheating or seizure of the engine.</li> <li>Maintenance of farm machines at times reduces cost, that is, the cost of purchasing new ones may be high.</li> </ol> EVALUATION <ol> <li>State five reasons why farm machines should be maintained.</li> </ol>   <h2>Maintenance of Farm Machinery</h2> <h3>1. Periodic Maintenance of Farm Machinery</h3> Maintenance practices that should be carried out periodically or at regular intervals on the machines include the following:

Environmental Physiology

<h1>ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Environmental Physiology</li> <li>Effects of Changes in Climate on the Growth of Farm Animals</li> <li>Effects of Changes in Climate on Reproduction</li> <li>Effects of Changes in Climate on Milk Production</li> <li>Effects of Changes in Climate on Egg Production</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Environmental Physiology</h2> Environmental physiology is the study of the interrelationship between an organism’s physical functioning and its environment. It also encompasses plant physical functioning. Environmental physiology refers to the effects of the environment on the growth and performance of farm animals. Apart from good feeding, health services render to farm animals changes in the environmental factors determine the productivity of any farm animals. Too high or too low of any of the elements of weather causes negative effects on the well being of the animals.   <h2>Effects of Changes in Climate on the Growth of Farm Animals</h2> <h3>Effects of Extremely High Temperature on the Growth of Farm Animals</h3> Extremely high temperature leads to the following:

Animal Health Management

<h1>ANIMAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT</h1> <ol> <li>Meaning of Animal Health Management</li> <li>Meaning of Disease</li> <li>Causal Organisms of Animal Diseases</li> <li>Predisposing Factors to Diseases</li> <li>Signs of Infections in Animals</li> <li>Reactions of Animals to Pathogenic Attacks</li> <li>Economic Importance of Diseases</li> <li>Selected Diseases of Farm Animals - Affected Animals; Causal Organisms; Mode of Transmission; Symptoms; Prevention/Control</li> <li>General Prevention of Livestock Diseases</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Animal Health Management</h2> Animal health management deals with monitoring the health status of the animals on the farm. It is apparent that a healthy animal will be productive while unhealthy animal apart from not been productive becomes a liability as money would be spent for their treatment. Besides, there is a high risk of transferring the infections to other animals.   <h2>Meaning of Disease</h2> A<strong> disease condition</strong> is a deviation from normal functioning state of the animal’s body which comprises of different components working in unity. In a nutshell, disease is any condition in which there is departure from the normal functioning of the system of the animal’s body.   <h2>Causal Organisms of Animal Diseases</h2> The causal organisms of animal diseases are classified as follow: <h3>1. Pathogenic organisms/factors</h3> These are; <ul> <li>Bacteria</li> <li>Virus</li> <li>Fungi</li> <li>Protozoa</li> <li>Nematodes</li> <li>Parasites</li> </ul> <h3>2. Non-pathogenic factors</h3> These are factors like; <ul> <li>Nutritional deficiency</li> <li>Inanimate objects like chemicals, environmental conditions (extreme cold or heat)</li> </ul>   <h3>Bacteria</h3> They cause diseases by secretion of toxins. Diseases are infectious and contagious. They are transmitted by air, water and animals inform of spores. Examples of bacteria diseases are contagious abortion, anthrax, mastitis, T.B, fowl pox, cow pox, etc.

Types of Agricultural Practices in the Localities

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<h1><strong>TYPES OF AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES IN THE LOCALITIES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Pastoral Farming</li> <li>Arable Farming</li> <li>Mixed Farming</li> <li>Taungya Farming</li> <li>Fish Farming</li> <li>Livestock Farming</li> <li>Shifting Cultivation</li> <li>Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing</li> <li>Crop Rotation</li> </ol>   <h2>1.<strong> Pastoral Farming</strong></h2> This system involves the rearing of animals that feed/graze on forage crops (grasses and legumes), such as goats, sheep and cattle. Pastoral farming could take any of these three forms: <ul> <li>Ranching</li> <li>Nomadic herding</li> <li>Ley farming</li> </ul> <img class="size-full wp-image-31948 aligncenter" src="" alt="Types of Agricultural Practices in the Localities - Pastoral farming" width="540" height="197" /> <h3><strong>Ranching</strong></h3> In this system, large numbers of animals are kept o a large expanse of enclosed land which may be under natural vegetation or planted pasture. The animals are allowed to move freely and graze within the confinement (Ranch). It is possible to adopt rotational grazing especially where the ranch is divided into sections/paddocks. An example of ranch in Nigeria is Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state. <h4><strong>Advantages of Ranching</strong></h4> <ol> <li>Pasture and water are available all through the year.</li> <li>The animals are better managed and more protected from pests, diseases and death.</li> <li>Good quality animals are produced due to proper breeding programme.</li> </ol> <h4><strong>Disadvantages of Ranching </strong></h4> <ol> <li>It is expensive to manage a ranch.</li> <li>It will be difficult to give individual attention to each animal kept in the ranch.</li> <li>Outbreak of disease may wipe out the entire stock.</li> </ol>

Definition and Characteristics of Weeds

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<h1><strong>DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Weeds</li> <li>Some Common Weeds</li> <li>Characteristics of Weeds</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Definition of Weeds</strong></h2> Weeds are plants growing where they are not wanted or cultivated. A plant may be weed in one farm but crop in another farm. For instance, a cowpea plant growing in a cassava plot is a weed. <h2><strong>Some Common Weeds</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="size-full wp-image-36103 aligncenter" src="" alt="Meaning of weeds - Characteristics of weeds - Some common weeds - Sida acuta" width="604" height="195" /><strong>Sida acuta</strong></p>

Pre-planting Operations

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<h1><strong>PRE-PLANTING OPERATIONS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Cultural Practices</li> <li>Types of Cultural Practices</li> <li>Pre-planting Operations</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Definition of Cultural Practices</strong></h2> Cultural practices or operations refer to all the operations carried out on the farm from the beginning of the farming season to the end of the season. <h2><strong>Types of Cultural Practices</strong></h2> Cultural operations can be classified as; <ul> <li>Pre-planting operations</li> <li>Planting operations</li> <li>Post-planting operations</li> </ul> <h2><strong>Pre-planting Operations</strong></h2> These are the farming activities carried out before planting is done. These activities are carried out to prepare and make the soil conducive for the crop to be planted. <strong>Pre-planting operations in sequence are: </strong>selection of the site, surveying of the soil and land measurement, clearing, stumping, field plotting or farm layout, tilling or ridging, ploughing, harrowing, nursery and nursery practices. <h3>1. <strong>Selection or Choice of Site</strong></h3> The site selected should suit the purpose of production in term of size, fertility of the soil, topography, accessibility, availability of water <h3><strong>Factors Guiding the Siting or Choice of (Location) of a Farm</strong></h3> The success of a farm depends partly on the characteristics of the site on which the farm is located. Therefore, when choosing the site for a farm, a farmer considers the following important factors: (i)<strong> Availability of land</strong>: The size of the farm depends on the amount of land available.

Forest Resources and their Uses

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<h1><strong>FOREST RESOURCES AND THEIR USES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Forest Resources</li> <li>Examples of Resources Found in the Forest</li> <li>Forest Resources and their Uses</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Forest Resources</strong></h2> There are numbers of useful materials which are derived from the forest. The usefulness of each is determined by the culture, taste, environment and the level of social and industrial development the following are some examples of resources found in the forest: <h2><strong>Examples of Resources Found in the Forest</strong></h2> The following resources can be found in the forest:

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