
<h1>IRRIGATION SYSTEM</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Irrigation System</li> <li>Importance of Irrigation System</li> <li>Problems of Irrigation System</li> <li>Types of Irrigation System</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Irrigation System</h2> Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil for the purpose of supplying moisture for plant growth. This is because water is the most important determining factor in crop production   <h2>Importance of Irrigation System</h2> Irrigation is important in agriculture for the following reasons: <ol> <li>Provision of moisture necessary for plant growth.</li> <li>It increases yield of crops.</li> <li>It improves microbial decomposition of organic matter to release crop nutrients.</li> <li>It cools the soil temperature in the hot and dry season.</li> <li>It reduces harmful accumulated salt in the soil.</li> <li>It makes for all year round cultivation and crop production.</li> <li>It facilitates seed germination and enable the crops to be well established when rainfall is not steady.</li> <li>It reduces the hazard of soil caking.</li> <li>It stabilizes the farmer’s economy since production is not seasonal or erratic.</li> </ol>   <h2>Problems of Irrigation System</h2> The following are the problems of irrigation system:

Types and Classification of Farm Animals

<h1>TYPES AND CLASSIFICATION OF FARM ANIMALS</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Farm Animals</li> <li>Types of Farm Animals</li> <li>Classification of Farm Animals</li> </ol>   <h2>Definition of Farm Animals</h2> Farm animals are essentially those animals that have been domesticated for production purposes and for other benefits of man. Farm animals vary in their individual characteristics. These include avian species, mammalian species and aquatic species. <img class="size-full wp-image-53393 aligncenter" src="" alt="Types and Classification of Farm Animals" width="462" height="388" />   <h2>Types of Farm Animals</h2> <h3>(i) Avian Species</h3> This group belongs to all domesticated birds such as domestic fowl, ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl, swarms, pigeons, pheasants, canaries and ostriches. These lay eggs and are therefore refer to as Oviparous animals. <h3>(ii) Mammalian Species</h3> This group consists of the domestic four-footed animals which include cattle, sheep, goat, pigs, horses, donkeys and camels. They give birth to their young ones alive and as such, they are referred to as Viviparous animals. <h3>(iii) Aquatic Species</h3> This group consists of animals living and reproducing in both fresh and salt water bodies eg fishes, crabs, snails, crustaceans etc. EVALUATION <ol> <li>Define the term farm animals.</li> <li>State the three major types of farm animals and give two examples.</li> </ol>   <h2>Classification of Farm Animals</h2> Farm animals are generally classified on the basis of their habitat, uses, digestion, reproduction, etc. <h3>A. Habitat</h3> Classification under habitat comes under three major divisions, namely;

Agricultural Insurance

<h1>AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Agricultural Insurance</li> <li>Importance of Agricultural Insurance</li> <li>Types of Agricultural Insurance Policies</li> <li>Various Agricultural Risks</li> <li>Insurance Terms</li> <li>Problems of Agricultural Insurance</li> </ol>   <h2>Definition of Agricultural Insurance</h2> Generally, insurance is a form of risk management used to absorb the shock of unexpected loss. Agricultural producers have series of risks affecting the income and welfare of their households. These are mainly production risks in relation to weather conditions, pests and diseases and market conditions. Agricultural insurance can be defined as the agreement where one party (insurer) promises to pay another party (insured) of a sum of money in the event of suffering a specified agricultural loss or damage.   <h2>Importance of Agricultural Insurance</h2> The following are the importance of agricultural insurance: <ol> <li>It help to give the farmers or investors peace of mind because the insurance policy will meet the financial consequences of certain risks.</li> <li>It inculcate savings habit in farmers as to prepare them for future.</li> <li>Insurance certificate can be used as collateral security to secure loans from commercial banks by farmers.</li> <li>It help to contribute to the invisible earnings of the country i.e. foreign exchange.</li> <li>Life insurance can be used as a means of preparing for old age of a farmer.</li> <li>Insurance makes fund available for investment in agriculture.</li> <li>Losses are controlled by agricultural insurance by reducing the frequency and severity of losses.</li> <li>Social benefits such as employment opportunities,job security and continued contributions to nation building are encouraged by agricultural insurance policy because business is kept alive as long as the financial consequences of certain losses are met by the insurance.</li> </ol>   <h2>Types of Agricultural Insurance Policies</h2> The types of insurance policies include the following:

Classification of Farm Animals based on Size and Habitat

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<h1><strong>CLASSIFICATION OF FARM ANIMALS BASED ON SIZE AND HABITAT </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Classification of Farm Animals based on Size and Habitat</li> <li>Classification of Farm Animals based on Habitat</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification of Farm Animals</strong></h2> Farm animals are classified based on the following criteria: <ol> <li>The size of the animal</li> <li>The habitat</li> <li>The stomach types/digestion</li> <li>The modes of reproduction</li> <li>The feeding pattern</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification based on the Size of Animal</strong></h2> This refers to the body size. It is further divided into two <ol> <li>Large farm animals</li> <li>Small farm animals</li> </ol> <h3><strong>Large Farm Animals</strong></h3> These are animals with large body sizes. Examples are cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, camels, horses, donkeys, etc. <img class="size-full wp-image-32367 aligncenter" src="" alt="Farm Animals - Work animals - bull" width="304" height="208" />

Farm Structures and Buildings

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<h1><strong>FARM STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS<strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Farm Structures</li> <li>Examples of Farm Structures</li> <li>Types of Farm Structures and their Uses</li> <li>Description of Farm Structures</li> <li>Meaning of Farm Buildings</li> <li>Types of Farm Buildings</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Farm Structures </strong></h2> Farm structures are facilities constructed on the farmland to ease farm operations e.g. silos, nursery, feed mill, etc. Farm structures are very simple buildings designed to serve specific purposes on the farm so that farm operations are more easily carried out e.g. barns, cribs, silos, etc.   <h2><strong>Examples of Farm Structures</strong></h2>

Systems/Methods of Fishery

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<h1><strong>SYSTEMS/METHODS OF FISHERY</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Systems of Fishery</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Systems of Fishery</strong></h2> There are <strong>THREE </strong>major systems of fisheries in Nigeria. These are: <ol> <li>Small scale fisheries</li> <li>Large scale fisheries (industrial fisheries)</li> <li>Aquaculture</li> </ol>   <h3><strong>Small Scale Fisheries</strong></h3> This is commonly practiced by local fishermen who live in fishing camps along the banks of the rivers, ponds or streams or along the coast of the sea. Small scale fisheries are very important because between 50-90% of all the fish consumed in the country come from it. Some of the features of small scale fisheries include:

Importance of Stock Exchange in Agriculture

<h1><strong>IMPORTANCE OF STOCK EXCHANGE IN AGRICULTURE </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Importance of Stock Exchange in Agriculture</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The Importance of Stock Exchange in Agriculture</strong></h2> The following are the importance of stock exchange in agriculture: 1. It encourages investment in agriculture by providing a place for buyers and sellers of securities. 2. Redistribution of wealth. 3. It provides platform where government can generate income to finance her various activities.

Types, Composition and Properties of Soil

<h1>TYPES, COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF SOIL</h1> CONTENT   <h2>Meaning of Soil<strong> </strong></h2> Soil is the loose weathered material covering the earth surface which supports the growth of plants and sustains human and animal life. Soil consists of mineral materials e.g. sand, clay, silt and gravel, organic materials which are made of plants and animals, H<sub>2</sub>O (water), air and microbes. <h2>Types of Soil</h2> There are three types of soil formed as a result of the breakdown of rocks that is weathering. They are as follows: 1. <strong>Clay Soil</strong> This is a type of soil that has clay constituting the major proportion about 40% and above while the other part contains silt and sand. Types of crops that can grow on clay soil: rice, sugarcane, etc. It possesses the following characteristics.  


<h1>DRAINAGE</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Drainage</li> <li>Types of Drainage</li> <li>Importance of Drainage/Benefits of Drainage to Agriculture</li> <li>Problems of Drainage</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Drainage<strong></strong></h2> Drainage is the removal of excess water artificially from a farmland to prevent water logging and promote good farming activities. Excess water may be removed through channels, pipes or funnels either from the surface of land or beneath the soil. <br> <h2>Types of Drainage (Drainage Systems)</h2> There are two major types of drainage. These are: <ul> <li>Surface drainage</li> <li>Sub-surface/underground drainage</li> </ul>   <h3>Surface Drainage</h3> This is the removal of excess water from the surface of the farmland using constructed open ditches, field drain, land grading and lateral ditches. This is divided into; <ul> <li>Random field surface drainage</li> <li>Parallel field drainage</li> </ul> Random field surface is suitable for areas with pot holes or depressions (rough topography). Parallel field drain is ideal where fields are flat or less than 1 – 2% slope. <img class="size-full wp-image-52580 aligncenter" src="" alt="Drainage - parallel field drainage" width="534" height="283" /> <p style="text-align: center;">Parallel Field Drain</p>

Anatomy, Physiology and Reproduction of Farm Animals

<h1>ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION OF FARM ANIMALS</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Parts of Farm Animals</li> <li>Organs of Farm Animals</li> </ol>   <h2>Parts of Farm Animals</h2> Anatomy can be defined as scientific study of parts and structures of farm animals while physiology refers to the way in which the bodies of farm animals function. The understanding of these helps the farmers to know how they function and be able to manage the animals effectively. Animals’ body can be broadly divided into four, namely: <ol> <li>The Head: This consists of the uppermost parts of the animals’ body. The most important organs that are necessary for the survival and effective functioning are found in the head e.g. brain, eyes, ears, nose and mouth.</li> <li>The Thoracic Cavity: This consists of the chest region of the animals. It houses important body organs such as the heart, the lungs and Trachea.</li>

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