Forest Resources and their Uses

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>FOREST RESOURCES AND THEIR USES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Forest Resources</li> <li>Examples of Resources Found in the Forest</li> <li>Forest Resources and their Uses</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Forest Resources</strong></h2> There are numbers of useful materials which are derived from the forest. The usefulness of each is determined by the culture, taste, environment and the level of social and industrial development the following are some examples of resources found in the forest: <h2><strong>Examples of Resources Found in the Forest</strong></h2> The following resources can be found in the forest:

Meaning, Branches and Importance of Agriculture

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<h1><strong>MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Agriculture</li> <li>Definition of Agriculture</li> <li>Branches of Agriculture</li> <li>Importance of Agriculture<strong> </strong></li> </ol> <strong> </strong> <h2><strong>Meaning Of Agriculture</strong></h2> Agricultural science is a subject that deals with the planting of crops, rearing of animals as well as the provision of raw materials for industries. Agriculture is derived from two Latin words ‘<em>ager</em>’ (field) and ‘<i>cultūra</i>’ (cultivation or growing). Literally it means field cultivation. Agriculture is as old as the existence of man. It is regarded as the mother of all other occupations. It is the live-blood of the nation’s economy   <h2><strong>Definition of Agriculture </strong></h2> Agriculture can therefore be defined as the act and science of cultivating the soil for the production of crops and livestock management to the processing, packaging, distribution and marketing of plants and animals products for man’s use. Simply put, <strong>agriculture </strong>is the art and science that deals with the cultivation of crops and the rearing of animals for man’s use. Agriculture is defined as the production of crops and the rearing of animals for man’s use. It involves the tilling of the soil, cultivation of crops, rearing of animals for numerous purposes as well as for food .   <h2><strong>Branches of Agriculture </strong></h2> The scope and branches (areas of specialization) of agriculture include the following:

Farm Machinery and Implements

FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS CONTENT <ol> <li>Farm machinery- Tractor, Bulldozer, Sheller, Dryers, Incubators.</li> <li>Tractor- coupled implements: Plough, Harrow, Ridgers, Planters, Harvesters, Sprayer.</li> </ol>   Definition of Farm Machinery Farm machinery refers to complex machine and implement used for carrying out farming operations. Examples include: tractors, bulldozers, shellers, driers, and incubators. The most important implement or machines in the farm, which is used for operating many farm implements is the <em>tractor.</em>   Classification of Farm Machines Farm machines and implements can be classified into three groups based on the source and generation of power as follows: (i) Primary Machines: These are the machines that can supply power to other machines and implement for their farming operations. An example is the tractor. (ii) Secondary Machines: These are tractors coupled or mounted machinery or implement used for different operations. Examples are Ploughs, harrows, ridgers, planters, harvesters, and sprayers. (iii) Intermediate Machines: These are powered by a tractor, electricity, or an electric generating set. Examples include grinding machines, incubators.   Examples of Farm Machinery Examples of this farm machinery are: 1. Tractor It is a powerful multi-purpose farm machine capable of using its power to perform various farm operations. It has internal combustion engine with either two or four strokes. It transmits power through the power take-off (PTO) shaft, or by means of a moving belt connecting the tractor to another machine. A draw bar attached to the tractor is used in coupling other farm implement to it. Tractors are of different types, namely:

Farm Planning

<h1>FARM PLANNING</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Farm Planning</li> <li>Importance of Farm Planning</li> <li>Factors to be Considered in Farm Planning and Design of Farmstead</li> <li>Principles of Farmstead Planning</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Farm Planning</h2> Farm planning is the sketching, outlining and drawing of the farmstead as well as arrangement of the land for proper usage without the risk of land degradation. It is also the general arrangement of a farm before and after its take off. <br> <h2>Importance of Farm Planning</h2> Farm planning is important for the following reasons: <ol> <li>It helps in determining the actual dimension of the farmland</li> <li>It promotes neatness of the farm</li> <li>It helps to describe the future of the soil units</li> <li>It helps to maximize the use of labour and other factors of production</li> <li>It helps in the location of farm structures and buildings</li> <li>It can be used in the preparation of feasibility studies</li> <li>It prevents wastage of farmland and other inputs</li> <li>It is a prerequisite in the registration of farm enterprise</li> <li>It can be used as collateral for getting loans</li> <li>It helps farmers to project his yield before harvesting</li> </ol> EVALUATION <ol> <li>Define the term farm planning</li> <li>Why is farm planning important?</li> </ol>   <h2>Factors to be Considered in Farm Planning and Design of Farmstead</h2>

Animal Improvement

<h1>ANIMAL IMPROVEMENT</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Animal Improvement</li> <li>Aims of Animal Improvement</li> <li>Methods/Processes of Animal Improvement</li> <li>Artificial Insemination</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Animal Improvement</h2> Animal improvement is the process whereby inherited superior traits are transferred from one animal to the other of the same species. Certain characteristics such as good feeding conversion, growth rate, meat quality, high milk yield, good body form, etc. are major considerations in animal improvement.   <h2>Aims of Animal Improvement</h2> The following are the aims of animal improvement: <ol> <li>To produce animals with high yielding quality</li> <li>To produce animals with high feed conversion rate</li> <li>To produce animals with high growth rate and early maturity</li> <li>To produce animals that can adapt to varied climatic conditions</li> <li>To produce animals that are resistant to disease and parasites</li> <li>To produce different breeds of animals</li> <li>To produce animals that meets a particular purpose</li> </ol>   <h2>Methods/Processes of Animal Improvement</h2> The following are the methods/processes of animal improvement: (a) Introduction (b) Selection (c) Breeding   <h3>(a) Introduction</h3> This is bringing animals which are not native of a place but are known to have certain desirable characters into a new place from the place of origin. Such animals are called exotic. Introduction can be by physical importation either of the animals themselves or their semen. <h4>Advantages of Introduction</h4> <ol> <li>It enhances greater productivity.</li> <li>It leads to absence of pests and diseases.</li> <li>Breeds may perform better and able to adapt to local conditions.</li> </ol>

Classification of Crops based on Source of Food Nutrients

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>CLASSIFICATION OF CROPS BASED ON SOURCE OF FOOD NUTRIENTS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Classification based on Sources of Food Nutrients e.g. carbohydrates, protein, fat and oil, minerals, vitamins, etc</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Sources of Food Nutrients</strong></h2> Crops can also be grouped based on the class of nutrient derived from them. <strong>Table showing classification of crops based on nutrients, their sources and functions </strong>

Dispersal of Weeds (Weed Dissemination)

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>DISPERSAL OF WEEDS (WEED DISSEMINATION)</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Introduction</li> <li>Meaning of Weed Dispersal</li> <li>Agents of Weed Dispersal</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> Weeds are widely dispersed through various adaptations. This is one of the reasons why weeds survive and are found in almost all cultivated fields. <h2><strong>Meaning of Weed Dispersal </strong></h2> This is the process by which seeds of weeds, fruits and propagules are carried from one place to another through one agent or the other. <h2><strong>Agents</strong> <strong>of Weed Dispersal</strong></h2> The agents of weed dispersal include the following:

Effects of Timely Harvesting Versus Late Harvesting

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<h1><strong>EFFECTS OF TIMELY HARVESTING AND LATE HARVESTING</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Harvesting</li> <li>Harvesting Techniques</li> <li>Effect of Late Harvesting</li> <li>Effect of Timely Harvesting</li> </ol> <strong> </strong> <h2><strong>Meaning of Harvesting</strong></h2> Harvesting is the removal and gathering of mature crops for processing and storage. The sign of maturity differ for different crops. For crops like yam, cocoyam and ground nut, maturity is signified when most of their leaves are turn into yellow and drying. The purpose of production also affects the maturity, the stage at which the crop is to be used. For example, maize meant to be eaten fresh is generally harvested green while that meant for storage is harvested dried. <h2><strong>Harvesting Techniques</strong></h2> The following are techniques used in harvesting: <ol> <li>Tapping: rubber</li> <li>Cutting: cocoa pods, oil palm fruits and coconut fruits</li> <li>Digging: yam, cocoyam and potato.</li> <li>Uprooting: groundnuts and cassava</li> <li>Picking: cotton bolls.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Effects of Late Harvesting</strong></h2> The effects of late harvesting include the following:

Effects of Forest on the Environment

Length: 0 minutes

<h1><strong>EFFECTS OF FORESTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Other Uses/Benefits of Forest Resources</li> <li>Importance of Forest</li> <li>Effects of Forest on the Environment</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Other Uses/Benefits of Forest Resources</strong></h2> There are some other benefits of the forest which cannot be quantified in terms of monetary value but which is of great importance to people. These are: <ol> <li>Forest checks erosion of soil.</li> <li>It provides man with sources of food, shelter and protection.</li> <li>It is a source of raw materials for industries.</li> <li>It provides good sources of foreign exchange earnings.</li> <li>Forest resources provide recreational facilities.</li> <li>It provides employment opportunities for people as guards.</li> <li>Forest provides shelter for wildlife and serves as a tourist centre.</li> <li>Forest provides medicinal herbs.</li> <li>It is an important source of fuel for people.</li> </ol> <br> <h2>Importance of Forest</h2> The following are the importance of forest:

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