Meaning, Forms and Effects of Production
<h1><strong>MEANING AND FORMS OF PRODUCTION </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Production</li> <li>Forms of Production/Types of Production</li> <li>Positive Effects of Production on the Environment/Society</li> <li>Negative Effects of Production on the Environment/Society</li> </ol> <h2></h2> <h2><strong>Meaning of Production</strong></h2> Production may be defined as any human activity that involves the making of physical goods and provision of services for the satisfaction of human wants. It is also seen as creation of utilities, utility means the ability of goods and services to satisfy human wants. In a nutshell, Production is any activity which gives services or changes the form, place or time of anything that is used to satisfy human needs. <h2><strong>Forms of Production/Types of Production </strong></h2> There are three forms of production namely: primary production (extractive industry), secondary production (manufacturing and constructive industry) Tertiary production (commercial and direct services). <h3><strong>Primary Production (Extractive Industry)</strong></h3> This type of production involves digging of raw materials or tapping and harnessing of natural resources from the land, sea and atmosphere. It includes farming, fishing, hunting, mining, quarrying, oil drilling etc. This form of production is referred to as primary production.