Meaning, Forms and Effects of Production

Length: 40 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>MEANING AND FORMS OF PRODUCTION </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Production</li> <li>Forms of Production/Types of Production</li> <li>Positive Effects of Production on the Environment/Society</li> <li>Negative Effects of Production on the Environment/Society</li> </ol> <h2></h2> <h2><strong>Meaning of Production</strong></h2> Production may be defined as any human activity that involves the making of physical goods and provision of services for the satisfaction of human wants. It is also seen as creation of utilities, utility means the ability of goods and services to satisfy human wants. In a nutshell, Production is any activity which gives services or changes the form, place or time of anything that is used to satisfy human needs. <h2><strong>Forms of Production/Types of Production </strong></h2> There are three forms of production namely: primary production (extractive industry), secondary production (manufacturing and constructive industry) Tertiary production (commercial and direct services). <h3><strong>Primary Production (Extractive Industry)</strong></h3> This type of production involves digging of raw materials or tapping and harnessing of natural resources from the land, sea and atmosphere. It includes farming, fishing, hunting, mining, quarrying, oil drilling etc. This form of production is referred to as primary production.

Care of the Computer; Correct Keyboarding Techniques

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>CARE OF THE COMPUTER AND CORRECT KEYBOARDING TECHNIQUES </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Care of the Computer</li> <li>Items Used for the Care of the Computer</li> <li>The Keyboard Rows</li> <li>Divisions of the Keyboard</li> </ol> <strong> </strong> <h2><strong>Care of the Computer </strong></h2> The following are the ways to take care of the computer: <ol> <li>Clean the visible parts of the computer to ensure there is no dust or particles that can enter the machine.</li> <li>Clean the disk drives.</li> <li>Shut down the computer properly after use to avoid damage to your system and loss of documents.</li> <li>Provide adequate electrical supply for the computer.</li> <li>Use the right furniture, both table and chair for maximum use of the machine.</li> <li>Do not bring food items near the computer.</li> <li>Do not touch the exposed part of the disk.</li> <li>Do not plug your computer to a line that has other high electricity consuming items like refrigerator, water heater, etc.</li> <li>Cover your computer system when not in use to prevent dust.</li> <li>Provide air conditioner for the computer.</li> <li>Consult a computer engineer in case of any fault.</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Items Used for the Care of the Computer</strong></h2> The following are the items used to take care of the computer:

The Factors of Production

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>THE FACTORS OF PRODUCTION</strong></h1> <ol> <li>Meaning of Factors of Production</li> <li>The Factors of Production</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Factors of Production</strong></h2> The term factor of production is defined as all the visible and invisible resources that are combined together for the purpose of production of goods and services. There are four factors of production, namely, land, labour, capital and entrepreneur or organisation. <strong>The Factors of Production</strong> The following are the factors of production without which production will be impossible: (a) <strong>Land:</strong> Land refers to gift of nature or all the natural resources available, applied and used for production without the help of a man. It includes the fixed natural land and other natural resources such as water, forest, mineral deposits etc. The reward for land is rent.

Home Row Keys (Keyboarding Applications)

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>HOME ROW KEYS (KEYBOARDING APPLICATIONS)</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Correct Finger Position on the Home Keys</li> <li>Correct Finger Movement on the Home Keys</li> <li>Correct Ways for Finger Position on the Top Row, Upper Row, Home Row and Nottem Row</li> <li>Correct Finger Position and Movement for Special Characters and Figures</li> <li>Two Divisions of the Keyboard</li> </ol>   <strong>NOTE</strong> – Identification, demonstration, manipulation/application of the keyboard rows are to be done majorly here. Students are to: <ul> <li>Observe the position of the four rows of the keyboard (Top, Upper, Home, Nottem) and point them out as shown to them by the teacher.</li> <li>Practice proper finger placement on the home row keys as demonstrated by the teacher.</li> <li>Practice how to manipulate the home row keys using soft touch as demonstrated by the teacher</li> </ul> <h2><strong>Correct Finger Position on the Home Keys</strong></h2> The four fingers excluding the thumb of the left hand are placed on “asdf” while the four fingers of the right hand are placed on ";lkj". It is from here that the fingers move up and down the entire keyboard. “asdf and ;lkj” are therefore called home keys. First of all, master the keyboard to know the positions of the keys, and then type without looking at the keyboard but the copy. <h2><strong>Correct Finger Movement on the Home Keys</strong></h2> After placing the fingers on the home keys, the fingers should strike a key at a time to avoid key jam. The two little fingers are used to strike the guide keys (a & ;). The remaining fingers on the left except the left and right thumb are used to strike “sdf” while the rest fingers on the right hand are used to strike “lkj”. Activity: Practice exercise 1 from Walmsley’s Commercial Typewriting by Aileen M Prince <h2><strong>Correct Ways for Finger Position on the Top Row, Upper Row, Home Row and Nottem Row </strong></h2> <h3><strong>The Top Row</strong></h3> Figures play one of the most important parts in typewriting. Since numerical errors in any piece of typewritten work may cause much harm, therefore maximum concentration on the correct fingering in the very early stages of training is very important to attain that degree of efficiency required.

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