God’s Creation of the World

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>GOD'S CREATION OF THE WORLD </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Biblical Account of the Creation</li> <li>The Timeline of Creation</li> <li>Human Beings Share in God’s Creation</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The Biblical Account of the Creation</strong></h2> It is generally believed that the whole world and the heavens were created by God. There are various accounts of creation. Creation is the act of making or causing something to be or exist. It is a way of bringing out something new. The Bible record of creation is that in the beginning, the whole world was <strong>without form</strong>, <strong>void </strong>and <strong>darkness was on the surface of the deep</strong>. God created the world out of nothing. In the first account of creation, God spent six days in creating the world while He rested on the seventh day and hallowed the seventh day. <h3><strong>The Timeline of Creation</strong></h3> According to the biblical account of creation, the creation of the world took place in the following order: <strong>Day 1:</strong> God created the light Gen. 1: 1-5. <strong>Day 2: </strong>God created the firmament,i.e. the heavens, the sky and the clouds. Gen. 1:6-8

Relationship in the School

Complexity: Standard

Unfortunately we could not locate the table you're looking for.<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE SCHOOL</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>1SAMUEL 18:1-5. CONTENT <ol> <li>The School Family</li> <li>Choosing Friends at School</li> <li>Reasons/Factors for the Choice of Friends</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The School Family</strong></h2> Every school consists of <strong>five groups</strong> of people, which come together to form the school family. <br> <h2><strong>Choosing Friends at School</strong></h2> A friend is someone who is very close to us. Friendship occurs as a result of likeness.

Why God Created Human Beings

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>WHY GOD CREATED HUMAN BEINGS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Why God Created Human Beings</li> <li>Songs About Creation in English Language</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Why God Created Human Beings </strong></h2> God created the first set of human beings. First, He created man from the dust of the earth. God then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. God called him Adam. God saw that it was not good for the man to be alone, therefore, He made a helper for him. The lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and He removed one of the ribs and closed it up with flesh, God made a woman out of the rib and brought her to Adam. When Adam saw her, he was happy and said, “This is now the bone of my bone, and the flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man”. Adam gave the name Eve to the woman because she was the mother of all living.

Relationship in the School (continued)

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE SCHOOL</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>1SAMUEL 18:45. 1 KINGS 11:5-13. PROVERBS 1:10, 1THESS.3:6-13, Lk 11: 5-13 CONTENT <ol> <li>Friendship between David and Jonathan</li> <li>The Friend at Midnight</li> <li>Qualities of Good Friends</li> <li>The Result of Bad Friendship</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> Friendship can’t be ruled out in any facet of life. Animals in the forest communicate with each other not to talk of human beings created in the image of God. There are some examples found in the Bible: <br> <h2><strong>Friendship between David and Jonathan</strong></h2> Jonathan was the son of Saul, the first king of Israel. David was the son of Jesse, a shepherd. David and Jonathan became friends after God helped David to kill Goliath of Gath (Philistine) as he lived in the house of King Saul, and married his daughter Jonathan and David became close when David was living in the palace. Jonathan gave <u>David his robe</u>, <u>a bow</u>, <u>arrow</u> and <u>girdle</u> for presents as a mark of their friendship. Jonathan chose David as his friend because <u>he was a good boy</u>. <u>He was brave</u> and <u>he trusted in the lord</u>.

Meaning and Functions of Marriage

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>MEANING AND FUNCTIONS OF MARRIAGE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Meaning of Marriage</li> <li>Functions of Marriage</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The Meaning of Marriage</strong></h2> Gen. 2: 22-25, Eph. 5:21-31 Marriage is the legal union or relationship between a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage was instituted by God right from the time of creation. After creating Adam, God saw that it was not good the man to be alone, He decided to make a woman as a help-meet for man. Therefore the original plan of God was and is still that a matured man and a matured woman will come together as husband and wife. The idea of homosexuals/lesbians i.e. people of the same sex getting married or sleeping together as married people is a sin. Polygamists i.e. a man marrying many wives is not God’s plan for His people. This is not according to the word of God and should be discouraged. All these are evil practices of men that are against God’s plan for man.   <h2><strong>Functions of Marriage</strong></h2> The following are the functions of marriage:

Relationship in the Community

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE COMMUNITY</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>MATTHEW 25: 31-46 CONTENT <ol> <li>Identification of the Names of Community Leaders</li> <li>Ways of Sustaining Relationship in the Community</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Identification of the Names of Community Leaders</strong></h2> <h3><strong>The Human Community</strong></h3> The human community is a group of people living in an area and share common goals and interest. It is where we live with our parents and neighbours. In a community, different kinds of people live and work there to earn their living. In any community, there are good or bad people, rich and poor people, lazy and hardworking people, trouble makers and trouble-shooters. The people in the community, meet, mix, relate and interact with each other every day in the compounds where they live, on the roads, in the streets, in the church, in the market, in the offices and in many other places. As they mix and interact with each other, relationships are established. <h3><strong>Community Leaders</strong></h3>

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