Relationship in the School

Complexity: Standard

Unfortunately we could not locate the table you're looking for.<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE SCHOOL</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>1SAMUEL 18:1-5. CONTENT <ol> <li>The School Family</li> <li>Choosing Friends at School</li> <li>Reasons/Factors for the Choice of Friends</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The School Family</strong></h2> Every school consists of <strong>five groups</strong> of people, which come together to form the school family. <br> <h2><strong>Choosing Friends at School</strong></h2> A friend is someone who is very close to us. Friendship occurs as a result of likeness.

Types of Marriage; Importance of Marriage

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>TYPES OF MARRIAGE; IMPORTANCE OF MARRIAGE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Types of Marriage</li> <li>Importance of Marriage</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Types of Marriage</strong></h2> <h3><strong>Major Types of Marriages</strong></h3> <ol> <li>Christian marriage</li> <li>Islamic marriage</li> <li>Traditional marriage</li> <li>Court marriage.</li> </ol> <h3><strong>Other Types of Marriage</strong></h3>

Relationship in the School (continued)

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE SCHOOL</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>1SAMUEL 18:45. 1 KINGS 11:5-13. PROVERBS 1:10, 1THESS.3:6-13, Lk 11: 5-13 CONTENT <ol> <li>Friendship between David and Jonathan</li> <li>The Friend at Midnight</li> <li>Qualities of Good Friends</li> <li>The Result of Bad Friendship</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> Friendship can’t be ruled out in any facet of life. Animals in the forest communicate with each other not to talk of human beings created in the image of God. There are some examples found in the Bible: <br> <h2><strong>Friendship between David and Jonathan</strong></h2> Jonathan was the son of Saul, the first king of Israel. David was the son of Jesse, a shepherd. David and Jonathan became friends after God helped David to kill Goliath of Gath (Philistine) as he lived in the house of King Saul, and married his daughter Jonathan and David became close when David was living in the palace. Jonathan gave <u>David his robe</u>, <u>a bow</u>, <u>arrow</u> and <u>girdle</u> for presents as a mark of their friendship. Jonathan chose David as his friend because <u>he was a good boy</u>. <u>He was brave</u> and <u>he trusted in the lord</u>.

Disobedience: Biblical Account of First Human Disobedience

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>DISOBEDIENCE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Biblical Account of First Human Disobedience</li> <li>Meaning of Disobedience</li> <li>Consequences of Adam and Eve’s Disobedience</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <strong>Text: </strong>Gen. 3: 1-19 <h2><strong>Biblical Account of First Human Disobedience</strong></h2> <h2><strong>Meaning of Disobedience</strong></h2> Disobedience is the failure or refusal to obey or abide by the rules, regulations and instructions stipulated or given by an authority. God made Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden to till and keep it. God commanded man to eat freely of the trees in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He told man that the day he eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he will surely die.

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