Importance of the Computer as a Tool for Data Processing

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>IMPORTANCE OF THE COMPUTER AS A TOOL FOR DATA PROCESSING</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Importance of the Computer as a Tool for Data Processing</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The Importance of the Computer as a Tool for Data Processing</strong></h2> The computer is a very unique electronic device and has certain features and characteristics that distinguish it from other machines. These include: 1.<strong> Speed:</strong> Computers are very fast; they can perform tens of millions of operations per second. This is necessary for predicting weather forecasts, performing scientific research and even producing thousands of bills for utility companies. 2.<strong> Accuracy:</strong> Computers are very accurate. Errors only occur if there is an error in hardware, software or data. When errors occur it is usually because of some human error, since computers can only do what they are programmed to do. 3.<strong> Storing large amounts of information in a small space:</strong> There are many storage media that can be used to store large volumes of data and information. For example, a single CD-ROM disk can save the equivalent of a shelf of books in the library.

ICT Application in Everyday Life

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>ICT APPLICATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of ICT</li> <li>Uses of ICT in Communication</li> <li>Uses of ICT in Timing and Control</li> <li>Uses of ICT in Information Processing/Management</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Meaning of ICT</strong></h2> ICT is an acronym which stands for <strong>I</strong>nformation and <strong>C</strong>ommunication <strong>T</strong>echnology. It can be described as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage information. These technologies include; (i) Computer (ii) Internet (iii) Broadcasting technologies (radio and television) (iv) Telephone <br> <h2><strong>Uses of ICT in Communication</strong></h2>

ICT and Society

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>ICT AND SOCIETY </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Introduction</li> <li>ICT in the Education Industry</li> <li>ICT in the Banking Industry</li> <li>ICT in the Medical Sciences</li> <li>ICT in Government</li> <li>ICT in Law</li> <li>ICT in Airlines</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> Many of us go through our daily routine without noticing how many times we come into contact with computers. Computer technology has become such a part of our daily lives that if it were taken away we would lead radically different lives. Information communication technology involves the use of modern communication channels to convey information. <strong>The Global System Mobile – telecommunication (GSM), Facsimile (Fax), computers, television, satellite, communication, cellular networks, internet </strong>are among the gadgets used for this. <br> <h2><strong>ICT in the Education Industry</strong></h2> ICT has really widened the scope of education. Computers are used to aid student learning through Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) and Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). CAI takes the form of:

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