God’s Love for Man
<h1>GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: John 3:16 CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Love</li> <li>Types of Love</li> <li>Demonstration of God's Love to Human Beings</li> <li>The Need for Human Beings to Respond to God's Love</li> </ol> <h2>Meaning of Love</h2> Love is a deep and strong feeling of affection one has for another. It is natural and difficult to comprehend. It is caring, gentile, kind, enduring, patient, not jealous, etc. God has great love for man. This love which is so real, made God send his son to redeem man after the fall of man into sin. <h2>Types of Love</h2> The types of love are as follows: <ol> <li>Platonic love: Affection between friends is known as platonic love. it does not involve any sexual relationship</li> <li>Philia love: The love between friends that share the same interest and opinion is called philia love.</li> <li>Storge love: This is the natural love among family members due to family ties.</li> <li>Erotic love: Sexual love between people of opposite sex is called erotic love.</li> <li>Agape love: Agape love is an unconditional love without any attachment. It is also known as selfless love. This is the type of love God has for mankind.</li> </ol> EVALUATION <ol> <li>Define love.</li> <li>Explain God’s love for man.</li> <li>Mention the types of love.</li> <li>What type of love does God have for man?</li> </ol>