
Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>MOSAICS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Mosaic</li> <li>Materials and Tools in Making Mosaic</li> <li>The Production of Mosaic Work</li> <li>Uses of Mosaic</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Meaning of Mosaic</strong></h2> Mosaic is a type of inlaid design composed of stones, metals, glass, beads etc generally used for decoration. Mosaic is one of the most durable forms of decorative art of embellishing or decorating a surface such as floor or wall. Mosaics have a rough texture. <br> <h2><strong>Materials and Tools in Making Mosaic</strong></h2> Materials and tools for making mosaic include beads, stones, pebbles, glasses, broken bottles, dress buttons, glue, gum, paint brush, knife, pair of scissors, ruler, plywood, hardwood and strawboard.

Theory of Music: Fundamentals of Music

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>THEORY OF MUSIC</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Fundamentals of Music and Sound</li> <li>Sources of Sound</li> <li>Musical Sounds</li> <li>Characteristics of Sound</li> <li>Musical Notation</li> <li>Types of Music Notation</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Fundamentals of Music and Sound</strong></h2> Music can be defined as a composition of organized sound pleasant to the ear. It is a performing art, a medium in which one’s mind can be meaningfully expressed by who appreciates it: The raw material of music is sound. Sound may be perceived as pleasant or unpleasant. Pleasant sound is musical sound while unpleasant sound is noise. Recorded music blared from a number of outlets (e.g. Business centers, shops etc) constitute noise. On the other hand, the sound from a performing orchestra could be very soothing and exhilarating. The real difference between musical sound and noise lies in the impression made on the listener. While musical sound is generally attractive and enjoyable, noise is distracting and could be irritating. Furthermore, musical sound is organized while noise is not. <h2><strong>Sources of Sound</strong></h2> There are two main sources of sounds:

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