Types of Agricultural Practices in the Localities

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<h1><strong>TYPES OF AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES IN THE LOCALITIES</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Pastoral Farming</li> <li>Arable Farming</li> <li>Mixed Farming</li> <li>Taungya Farming</li> <li>Fish Farming</li> <li>Livestock Farming</li> <li>Shifting Cultivation</li> <li>Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing</li> <li>Crop Rotation</li> </ol>   <h2>1.<strong> Pastoral Farming</strong></h2> This system involves the rearing of animals that feed/graze on forage crops (grasses and legumes), such as goats, sheep and cattle. Pastoral farming could take any of these three forms: <ul> <li>Ranching</li> <li>Nomadic herding</li> <li>Ley farming</li> </ul> <img class="size-full wp-image-31948 aligncenter" src="https://classhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pastoral-farming.jpg" alt="Types of Agricultural Practices in the Localities - Pastoral farming" width="540" height="197" /> <h3><strong>Ranching</strong></h3> In this system, large numbers of animals are kept o a large expanse of enclosed land which may be under natural vegetation or planted pasture. The animals are allowed to move freely and graze within the confinement (Ranch). It is possible to adopt rotational grazing especially where the ranch is divided into sections/paddocks. An example of ranch in Nigeria is Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state. <h4><strong>Advantages of Ranching</strong></h4> <ol> <li>Pasture and water are available all through the year.</li> <li>The animals are better managed and more protected from pests, diseases and death.</li> <li>Good quality animals are produced due to proper breeding programme.</li> </ol> <h4><strong>Disadvantages of Ranching </strong></h4> <ol> <li>It is expensive to manage a ranch.</li> <li>It will be difficult to give individual attention to each animal kept in the ranch.</li> <li>Outbreak of disease may wipe out the entire stock.</li> </ol>

Definition and Characteristics of Weeds

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<h1><strong>DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF WEEDS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Definition of Weeds</li> <li>Some Common Weeds</li> <li>Characteristics of Weeds</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Definition of Weeds</strong></h2> Weeds are plants growing where they are not wanted or cultivated. A plant may be weed in one farm but crop in another farm. For instance, a cowpea plant growing in a cassava plot is a weed. <h2><strong>Some Common Weeds</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="size-full wp-image-36103 aligncenter" src="https://classhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/some-common-weeds-sida-acuta.jpg" alt="Meaning of weeds - Characteristics of weeds - Some common weeds - Sida acuta" width="604" height="195" /><strong>Sida acuta</strong></p>

Forms of Agricultural Activities in the Communities

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<h1><strong>FORMS OF AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE COMMUNITIES </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Growing of Crops</li> <li>Rearing of Livestock</li> <li>Salving of Farm Produce</li> <li>Rearing of Fish (fishery)</li> <li>Horticulture</li> <li>Rearing of Snail/Heliculture</li> <li>Apiculture/Bee Keeping</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Forms of Agricultural Activities in the Communities</strong></h2> Agricultural activities is any activity directly related to the production or processing of crops or livestock. The followings are forms of agricultural activities in the communities that different people involve in: <ol> <li>Cultivation and growing of crops</li> <li>Rearing of livestock</li> <li>Rearing of fish (fishery)</li> <li>Salving of farm produce</li> <li>Horticulture</li> <li>Rearing of snail/Heliculture</li> <li>Apiculture/bee keeping</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Crop Farming</strong></h2> This involves the production of different kinds of crop plants useful to man and animals. Crop plants are either called <strong>food or arable crops</strong> and <strong>cash crops. </strong>Crops that are eaten by man either cooked or raw are referred to as <strong>food crops </strong>e.g. cassava, yam, vegetable, potatoes, bean, cowpea, soya bean, maize, guinea corn etc. Crops cultivated with the aim of selling them either to our local industries or for export is called <strong>cash crops </strong>e.g cocoa, cotton, groundnut, oil palm, timber, coffee, etc.

Classification of Weeds based on Habitat, Life Cycle and Shape of Leaves

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Unfortunately we could not locate the table you're looking for.<h1><strong>CLASSIFICATION OF WEEDS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Classification of Weeds based on Habitat</li> <li>Classification of Weeds based on Life Cycle</li> <li>Classification of Weeds based on the Shape of the Leaves</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification of Weeds based on Habitat</strong></h2> According to habitat, weeds are classified into the following three groups: (a) <strong>Aquatic weeds:</strong> These are weeds that grow on water. Examples are water hyacinth, water lettuce, water lily etc. (b) <strong>Terrestrial weeds:</strong> These are weeds that grow on land. Most weeds are terrestrial weeds. Examples are goat weeds, siam weeds, carpet grass, tridax, aspilia, elephant grass, water leaf, etc. (c) <strong>Epiphytic/parasitic weeds</strong>: These are weeds that grow on other plants.

Parts of Flowering Plants and their Functions

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<h1><strong>PARTS OF FLOWERING PLANTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS </strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Parts of Flowering Plant and their Functions</li> <li>Important Terms</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Parts of a Flowering Plant </strong></h2> A flowering plant is made up of two parts, namely; <ol> <li>the root system</li> <li>the shoot system</li> </ol> <h3>1.<strong> Root System: </strong></h3> The root system refers to the portion of the plant which develops inside the soil. The root has many tiny structures on it called the root hairs through which water, mineral salts and other nutrients are absorbed by the plant through a process known as <strong>osmosis. </strong> The root system is divided into two main types namely; <ol> <li>Tap/main root</li> <li>Fibrous/adventitious</li> </ol> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="size-full wp-image-31956 aligncenter" src="https://classhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/flowering-plants.jpg" alt="" width="634" height="322" /><strong>A Labelled Diagram of a Flowering Plant </strong></p> <h4><strong>Functions of the Root</strong></h4> (i)<strong> Anchorage:</strong> for holding the plant firmly to the ground. (ii)<strong> Nutrient absorption:</strong> Roots absorbs water and mineral elements from the soil which are then pass unto other plant parts. This is the most important function of the root to the plant. (iii)<strong> Storage</strong>: In some plants the roots acts as storage organs e.g carrot, cassava, etc. (iv)<strong> Reproduction</strong>: Some plants used their roots for vegetative propagation e.g. bread fruit, sweet potato, citrus etc. (v)<strong> Nutrient fixation:</strong> Roots of leguminous crops harbors some nitrogen fixing bacteria which helps to convert atmospheric nitrogen into soil nitrate for plant use. (vi)<strong> Erosion control:</strong> Root of grasses help to bind soil particles together thus preventing erosion.

Uses of Weeds; Methods of Weed Control

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<h1><strong>USES OF WEEDS; METHODS OF WEED CONTROL</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Uses of Weeds</li> <li>Methods of Weeds Control</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Uses of Weeds</strong></h2> Weeds are used for the following purposes: <ol> <li>Some weeds are used as cover crops.</li> <li>Weeds are used as forage grasses and legumes for feeding animals e.g. elephant grass.</li> <li>Weeds are used to prepare compost and green manure e.g. mucuna, pueraria.</li> <li>They are used to control soil erosion e.g. bahama grass.</li> <li>They serve medicinal purposes e.g. lemon grass.</li>

Classification of Crops based on Crop Plant Forms: Monocotyledonous and Dicotyledonous Plants

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<h1><strong>MONOCOTYLEDONOUS AND DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Classification of Crops based on Crop Plant Forms</li> <li>Monocotyledonous Crops e.g. maize, guinea corn</li> <li>Dicotyledonous Crops e.g. beans, melon</li> <li>Differences between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification of Crops based on C</strong><strong>rop Plant Forms</strong></h2> A crop is any plant that has a useful purpose or economic value. Crop plants are grouped into two forms based on the structure of their seeds or the number of seed leaf it contains. Seed leaf is otherwise known as <strong>cotyledon</strong>. Food for germinating seed is stored in the cotyledon. <h2><strong>Monocotyledonous Plants</strong></h2> These are plants with one seed leaf or cotyledons e.g. oil palm, coconut, banana, plantain, pineapple, date-palm, garlic, sugar-cane, cereals e.g. wheat, millet, rice, maize, sorghum, rye, barley, oats and all grasses e.g. guinea grass, carpet grass, etc.

Effects of Weed Control on Vegetation and Soil

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<h1><strong>EFFECTS OF WEED CONTROL METHODS ON VEGETATION AND SOIL</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Effects of Chemical Control of Weeds on Vegetation and Soil</li> <li>Effects of Bush Burning on Vegetation and Soil</li> <li>Effects of Mechanical/Physical Control of Weeds on Vegetation and Soil</li> <li>Effects of Biological Control of Weeds on Vegetation and Soil</li> <li>Adverse Effects of Weeds/Problems Posed by Weeds in Agriculture/Economic Importance of Weeds</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Effects of Chemical Control of Weeds on Vegetation and Soil </strong></h2> The following are the effects of chemical control of weeds on vegetation and soil: <ol> <li>Herbicides can be poisonous to human beings.</li> <li>Beneficial organisms may be destroyed.</li> <li>Herbicides can pollute soil and ground water.</li> <li>Herbicides can contaminate livestock pasture thereby killing the animals that feed on them.</li> <li>Some herbicides, when used, can kill both good and unwanted plants and animals.</li>

Classification of Crop based on Life Span: Annual, Biennial and Perennial Crops

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<h1><strong>ANNUAL, BIENNIAL AND PERENNIAL CROPS</strong></h1> CONTENT Classification of Crops based on Life Span; <ol> <li>Annual Crops (e.g. maize, yam, etc.)</li> <li>Biennial Crops (e.g. ginger, pineapple, cassava, etc)</li> <li>Perennial Crops (e.g cocoa, mango, etc.)</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Classification of Crops based on Life Span</strong></h2> Crops complete their processes of growth at different lengths of time. Hence, crops can be classified as follows - annual, biennial and perennial. <h2><strong>Annual Crops</strong></h2> Annual crops are crops which complete their life cycle (length of life) within one year or in one growing season. These crops grow into maturity, flower, produce seeds and eventually die within one year. Examples are maize, rice, sorghum, soya-beans, guinea corn, cowpea, sweet potato, cotton, tomato, yam, etc.

Dispersal of Weeds (Weed Dissemination)

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<h1><strong>DISPERSAL OF WEEDS (WEED DISSEMINATION)</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Introduction</li> <li>Meaning of Weed Dispersal</li> <li>Agents of Weed Dispersal</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> Weeds are widely dispersed through various adaptations. This is one of the reasons why weeds survive and are found in almost all cultivated fields. <h2><strong>Meaning of Weed Dispersal </strong></h2> This is the process by which seeds of weeds, fruits and propagules are carried from one place to another through one agent or the other. <h2><strong>Agents</strong> <strong>of Weed Dispersal</strong></h2> The agents of weed dispersal include the following:

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