Relationship in the School

Complexity: Standard

Unfortunately we could not locate the table you're looking for.<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE SCHOOL</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>1SAMUEL 18:1-5. CONTENT <ol> <li>The School Family</li> <li>Choosing Friends at School</li> <li>Reasons/Factors for the Choice of Friends</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The School Family</strong></h2> Every school consists of <strong>five groups</strong> of people, which come together to form the school family. <br> <h2><strong>Choosing Friends at School</strong></h2> A friend is someone who is very close to us. Friendship occurs as a result of likeness.

Relationship in the School (continued)

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE SCHOOL</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>1SAMUEL 18:45. 1 KINGS 11:5-13. PROVERBS 1:10, 1THESS.3:6-13, Lk 11: 5-13 CONTENT <ol> <li>Friendship between David and Jonathan</li> <li>The Friend at Midnight</li> <li>Qualities of Good Friends</li> <li>The Result of Bad Friendship</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> Friendship can’t be ruled out in any facet of life. Animals in the forest communicate with each other not to talk of human beings created in the image of God. There are some examples found in the Bible: <br> <h2><strong>Friendship between David and Jonathan</strong></h2> Jonathan was the son of Saul, the first king of Israel. David was the son of Jesse, a shepherd. David and Jonathan became friends after God helped David to kill Goliath of Gath (Philistine) as he lived in the house of King Saul, and married his daughter Jonathan and David became close when David was living in the palace. Jonathan gave <u>David his robe</u>, <u>a bow</u>, <u>arrow</u> and <u>girdle</u> for presents as a mark of their friendship. Jonathan chose David as his friend because <u>he was a good boy</u>. <u>He was brave</u> and <u>he trusted in the lord</u>.

Relationship in the Community

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE COMMUNITY</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>MATTHEW 25: 31-46 CONTENT <ol> <li>Identification of the Names of Community Leaders</li> <li>Ways of Sustaining Relationship in the Community</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Identification of the Names of Community Leaders</strong></h2> <h3><strong>The Human Community</strong></h3> The human community is a group of people living in an area and share common goals and interest. It is where we live with our parents and neighbours. In a community, different kinds of people live and work there to earn their living. In any community, there are good or bad people, rich and poor people, lazy and hardworking people, trouble makers and trouble-shooters. The people in the community, meet, mix, relate and interact with each other every day in the compounds where they live, on the roads, in the streets, in the church, in the market, in the offices and in many other places. As they mix and interact with each other, relationships are established. <h3><strong>Community Leaders</strong></h3>

Relationship in the Church

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE CHURCH</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>ROMANS 12: 9-21. I PETER 3: 8-13. ROMANS 13:1-7. CONTENT <ol> <li>Identification of the Names of Church Leaders</li> <li>Relationship in the Church</li> <li>Field Trip</li> <li>Places of Interest for an Excursion</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Identification of the Names of Church Leaders</strong></h2> The church is the body of Christ. It includes our Church leaders and the congregation. Some of our Church leaders are the Pope, Arc Bishops, Bishops, priests, pastors, Prophets and Overseers. As Christians, all members of the Church are brothers and sisters in Christ. In order to have good relationship in the Church, we should show Christian love for one another as brothers and sisters serving the same Christ. <h2><strong>Relationship in the Church</strong></h2> As Christians, we are saddled with the responsibility of showing love, care and concern for other human being even the unbelievers, because it’s through this we can win them to Christ. Here are some ways we can love our brothers and sisters:

Relationship in the Family

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>RELATIONSHIP IN THE FAMILY</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES:</strong> EPH. 6:1-9. ECCLE.12:1. PROV. 22:1.COL. 3:18-21. I PETER 3:1-7. CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Relationship</li> <li>Meaning of Family</li> <li>Types of Family</li> <li>Recognition of Family Members</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Relationship</strong></h2> Relationship is the way two people or groups behave towards each other, or the tie, degree of kinship or intimacy, affinity in an affair. Relationship develops when people live, play, do things together or worship together. <br> <h2><strong>Meaning of Family</strong></h2> A family is a group of people who are related by blood or by marriage. Families are the origin of human communities. Some members of a family include father, mother, children, relatives, grandparents and in-laws. <br> <h2><strong>Types of Family</strong></h2> There are two different types of family e.g. nuclear, extended, paternal and maternal family. The two major types of family are:

Roles of Family Members

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>ROLES OF FAMILY MEMBERS</strong></h1> <strong>BIBLICAL REFERENCES: </strong>EPH. 6:1-9. ECCLE.12:1. PROV. 22:1.COL. 3:18-21. I PETER 3:1-7. CONTENT <ol> <li>Roles of Family Members</li> <li>The Concept of Good Family Name</li> <li>Moral Lessons</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Roles of Family Members</strong></h2> Every member of the family has God's ordained roles to play for love, harmony, progress and peaceful co-existence of the family. The failure of any member of the family to play his or her role will make the family not to be what God planned for it. <h3><strong>Role of Children</strong></h3> Children are to obey their parents in the fear of God. That is, the children’s obedience to the parents should be in agreement with the word of God. They are also to honour; respect their parents so that it will be well with them and so that they may live long on the earth.

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