Classification of African Musical Instruments
<h1><strong>CLASSIFICATIONS OF AFRICAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Introduction</li> <li>Idiophones</li> <li>Chordophones</li> <li>Aerophones</li> <li>Membranophones</li> </ol> <h2><strong>Introduction</strong></h2> African musical instruments are classified into four groups namely; idiophones, chordophones, aerophones and membranophones. <br> <h2>1. <strong>Idiophones</strong></h2> Idio means (self), phone means (sound). These are self-sounding instruments. They produce sound by the vibration of their body. They can be beaten, struck or shaken. Examples are metal gongs, rattles, clappers, pot drums, thumb piano, bells, slit wooden drums, etc. <img class="size-full wp-image-33982 aligncenter" src="" alt="Classifications of African musical instruments" width="758" height="320" />