Consequences of Family Size on the Individual and the National Economy

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>THE CONSEQUENCES OF LARGE/SMALL FAMILY SIZE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Consequences of Large Family Size on the Quality of Individual Lives</li> <li>Consequences of Large Family Size on the National Economy</li> <li>Consequences of Small Family Size on the Quality of Individual Lives</li> <li>Consequences of Small Family Size on the Economy</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Consequences of Large Family Size on the Quality of Individual Lives</strong></h2> The large size of a family affects the quality of life of the individual in the following ways: <ol> <li>The members may be malnourished, that is they may not be able to feed well.</li> <li>There is tendency of fighting with one another in a big family.</li> <li>Access to good and qualitative education might not be possible because of shortage in family resources.</li> <li>There will be jealousy and envy in the large family.</li> <li>Many members of large family grow up in hostile environment.</li> <li>Room occupancy ratio will be high in a large family. Over population per room might occur.</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Consequences of Large Family Size on the National Economy</strong></h2> The size of a large family affects the national economy in the following ways:

Meaning and Characteristics of Culture

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Culture</li> <li>Components of Culture - Material and Non-material Culture</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Culture</strong></h2> Culture is the total way of life of a group of people that distinguishes them from others. It includes people’s beliefs, their works of art and craft, the language they speak, the tools they make, their ways of dressing, the technology they develop and the various institutions they set up to achieve societal goals. A society can have different cultures. In a rural environment, the culture is homogenous while in an urban area, the culture is heterogeneous.

Features of Culture

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Features of Culture</li> <li>Characteristics of Culture</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Features of Culture </strong></h2> Some ways of looking at culture include: <ol> <li><strong>Language: </strong>This is one of the most important ways of identifying a group of people. It is a means of transmitting our culture from one generation to another. There are over 250 indigenous languages in Nigeria. People of the same culture use the same language to communicate. Proverbs are an important aspect of speech in Nigeria.</li> <li><strong>Religion:</strong> This is an important aspect of culture. Each cultural group has its own traditional way of relating with the supernatural before the advent of Christianity and Islam.</li> <li><strong>Mode of Dressing: </strong>The way a group of people dress is another feature of culture. For example, Hausa-Fulanis wrap their heads with a piece of cloth; wear ‘danshiki’ while their women often wear clothes that cover all parts of their bodies.</li>

The Meaning and Scope of Social Studies Education

Length: 0 minutesComplexity: Standard

<h1><strong>MEANING AND SCOPE OF SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Social Studies</li> <li>Scope of Social Studies</li> <li>Interaction between Man and the Environment</li> <li>Reasons for Studying Social Studies</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>Meaning of Social Studies</strong></h2> Social Studies is the study of man and his environment. It focuses on making us understand the interrelationship between man and his environment. It can be described as a subject that studies the way man lives in his physical and social environment. It is about how man influences his environment and how this environment, in turn, influences him. <br> <h2><strong>Scope of Social Studies</strong></h2> Basically, scope of Social Studies entails man, his environment (physical environment and social environment) as well as science and technology which man uses to make his environment suitable or conducive for him. It also entails the fact that Social Studies is an <em>integrated subject.</em> <img class="size-full wp-image-30637 aligncenter" src="" alt="Scope of Social Studies" width="409" height="261" /> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Dimensions of Social Studies</strong></p> <strong>Man</strong>: In Social Studies, ‘when we say man’ we simply mean human beings – you and I. It refers to human beings anywhere in the world: male or female, black or white. <strong>Man’s Environment:</strong> Environment refers to the totality of things and fellow human beings around man. There are two types of environment: physical environment and social environment. (a)<strong> Physical Environment:</strong> Physical environment refers to those physical things (or non-humans) around man. Examples are land, river, water, car, building etc. They are natural or man-made objects in our environment that we can see, feel or touch. Physical environment can be divided into <em>Natural Environment</em> and<em> Artificial Environment</em>. (i)<strong> Natural physical environments: </strong>These are things provided by God or nature. These include:

History of Nigerian Social Studies Education

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>HISTORY OF NIGERIAN SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>History of Social Studies: The World Perspective</li> <li>History of Social Studies in Nigeria</li> </ol> <br> <h2><strong>History of Social Studies: The World Perspective</strong></h2> There was no school subject with the name of Social Studies before the World War II, WWII (1 Sep 1939 – 2 Sep 1945). Before then, Social Science subjects like anthropology, archaeology, jurisprudence, philosophy, religion, psychology, political science, history, sociology, geography and economics were taught at college level. The subjects were thought to be adequate in addressing the problems of social living. But with the outbreak of World War I, WWI (1914 – 1918), it dawned on world leaders that the problems of man’s relations with one another can only be solved by integrating relevant ideas from these various but “stand-alone” social science subjects: this is called integrative approach. The United States of America and many European countries designed curricular programmes in Social Studies in which it was first taught as a school subject, relevant to their various environments and experiences shortly after World War I and World War II. Within the few years of its introduction, it produced better understanding among people and nations and greater appreciation of the roles of man in the society.   <h2><strong>History of Social Studies in Nigeria</strong></h2>

The Family as a Primary Social Group

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>FAMILY AS A PRIMARY SOCIAL GROUP</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Social Group</li> <li>Meaning of Primary Social Group</li> <li>What Makes the Family A Primary Social Group</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Social Group</strong></h2> Social group refers to a number of people who maintain common interest and are united for a particular purpose. Every member is expected to take part in its activities and obey its rules and regulations.   <h2><strong>Meaning of Primary Social Group</strong></h2> <strong>Primary social group</strong> is a group in which the members know themselves very well. They are very close to one another and also have face to face intimate relationship. A primary social group is formed by nature as individuals have no choice of the group they are born into. Examples of primary social groups are:

The Roles and Responsibilities of Members of a Family as a Social Group

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS OF A FAMILY AS A PRIMARY SOCIAL GROUP</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>The Roles and Responsibilities of Members of a Family as a Primary Social Group</li> <li>General Functions of the Family</li> <li>Roles of the Father in the Family</li> <li>Roles of the Mother in the Family</li> <li>Roles of the Children in the Family</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>The Roles and Responsibilities of Members of a Family as a Primary Social Group</strong></h2> To enjoy and sustain the family as a primary social group, each member has vital roles to play. The family is the source from which the society take its root. Children and adults learn responsibilities from home before they go out to the larger society to demonstrate it. An adage says “charity begins at home”. <br> <h2><strong>General Functions of the Family</strong></h2> The following are the general functions of the family: <ol> <li><strong>Procreation</strong>: bringing new members of the family into the world for continuity of the family and the society.</li> <li><strong>Provision:</strong> The basic necessities of life such as food, shelter and clothing are provided in the family.</li> <li><strong>Moral Guidance:</strong> Training of the children in line with the acceptable norms of the society in good character formation.</li>

Characteristics of Large and Small Family Sizes

Complexity: Standard

<h1><strong>THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LARGE/SMALL FAMILY SIZE</strong></h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning and Characteristics Family Size</li> <li>Characteristics of Large Family Size – father, mother, and many children</li> <li>Characteristics of Small Family Size – father, mother and very few children</li> </ol>   <h2><strong>Meaning of Family Size</strong></h2> Family size means the number of people in a family. A family is said to have small size if it comprises father, mother and few (usually one to four) children. A large family size is made of father, mother and more than four children. <br> <h2><strong>Characteristics of Large Family Size</strong></h2> The nature of a large family size can be easily explained under the following headings: Summarily, large family size has the following characteristics:

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