Jesus as the Living Bread and Water

Complexity: Standard

<h1>JESUS AS THE LIVING BREAD AND WATER</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: John. 6:25-4. John. 4:7-15 CONTENT <ol> <li>Jesus as the Living Bread (John 6:25-40)</li> <li>Jesus as the Living Water (John 4:7-15)</li> <li>Values Beside Food and Water that are Necessary for Growth and Happiness</li> </ol>   <h2>Jesus as the Living Bread (John 6:25-40)</h2> After the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus crossed Capernaum by boat. The multitude He fed desperately traced him to the place. Seeing them, Jesus said, <strong><em>‘truly, truly, I say to you, you seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves</em></strong>. ‘This means that they seek him just because of miracle, not that they understood His significance, which is God’s concern for man and his needs. Jesus urged them to labour for the food that endures to eternal. Such food can only be gotten from the son of man who has God’s approval. The people asked him what they must do as proof that they were doing the work of God. Jesus replied that they should believe in Him who was sent by God. They asked Him for a convincing sign to believe that He was truly sent by God –their father, they added that Moses gave their fathers manna in the wilderness which was sent down from heaven. Jesus replied that manna was sent by God as a temporary relief from physical hunger, but God has also sent down living bread which gives life to the world. Anyone who comes to Jesus will no longer hunger. In response to the people request for bread, Jesus replied <strong><em>“I am the bread of Life; he who comes to me shall not hunger; and he who believes in me shall never thirst. John 6:35</em></strong>   <h3>Moral Lessons</h3>

God’s Love for Man

Complexity: Standard

<h1>GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: John 3:16 CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Love</li> <li>Types of Love</li> <li>Demonstration of God's Love to Human Beings</li> <li>The Need for Human Beings to Respond to God's Love</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Love</h2> Love is a deep and strong feeling of affection one has for another. It is natural and difficult to comprehend. It is caring, gentile, kind, enduring, patient, not jealous, etc. God has great love for man. This love which is so real, made God send his son to redeem man after the fall of man into sin.   <h2>Types of Love</h2> The types of love are as follows: <ol> <li>Platonic love: Affection between friends is known as platonic love. it does not involve any sexual relationship</li> <li>Philia love: The love between friends that share the same interest and opinion is called philia love.</li> <li>Storge love: This is the natural love among family members due to family ties.</li> <li>Erotic love: Sexual love between people of opposite sex is called erotic love.</li> <li>Agape love: Agape love is an unconditional love without any attachment. It is also known as selfless love. This is the type of love God has for mankind.</li> </ol>   EVALUATION <ol> <li>Define love.</li> <li>Explain God’s love for man.</li> <li>Mention the types of love.</li> <li>What type of love does God have for man?</li> </ol>

Love for One Another

Complexity: Standard

<h1>LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: John 4:7-8, 1 cor. 13:1-13. Jn. 3:17-18 CONTENT <ol> <li>To Know God is to Love One Another (John 4:7-8,21)</li> <li>The Qualities of Love (1 Cor. 13:1-13)</li> <li>Various Ways to Demonstrate Love for One Another (John 3:17-18)</li> </ol>   <h2>To Know God is to Love One Another (John 4:7-8,21)</h2> John in his message encourages us to love one another because this was commanded by Jesus. (John 13:34-35). When we love others, people will believe that Christians are true disciples of Christ, because He who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. Abiding in God’s love destroys fears of His punishment, because the relationship with God is supposedly perfect and cordial. EVALUATION <ol> <li>What does it mean to know God?</li> </ol>

Justification by Faith

Complexity: Standard

<h1>JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Rom. 3: 23; Gal. 3:19-21, Rom. 4:1-5; Gal. 2;16-21, Rom. 1:16-17 ; 4:1-5, Gal. 2:19-21; 5:22 CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning and Need for Justification (Rom. 3: 23; Gal. 3: 19-21)</li> <li>Work and Law do not Justify Anybody (Rom.4:1-5; Gal.2: 16-21)</li> <li>Faith in Jesus as a Condition for Justification (Rom. 1:16-17; 4:1-5)</li> <li>The Fruit of Justification (Gal. 2:19-21; 5:22)</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning and Need for Justification (Rom. 3: 23; Gal. 3: 19-21)</h2> Justification means to be found innocent of a charge. It is to be declared guiltless or acquitted. Biblically, justification means getting into right relationship with God. According to Paul, the Jewish religious law in the Old Testament served the purpose of presenting side by side God’s holiness and man’s sinful nature, which constantly reminded man of his inability to keep the law. Thus, on his own or by his own effort, man cannot keep God’s law thereby removing that barrier between him and God. The law therefore only brought light to the sinful nature of man. Paul argues that a man is not justified by obeying or keeping the law but through the righteousness of God, now offered to all men who have faith in Christ whether Jew or Greek. He pointed out that man is naturally sinful, <em>"<strong>All have sin and fall short of the Glory of God</strong>",</em> hence the need for justification by faith in the atoning blood of Christ. EVALUATION <ol> <li>State the meaning and need for justification.</li>

New Life in Christ: Meaning and Characteristics of the Old Life

Complexity: Standard

<h1>NEW LIFE IN CHRIST</h1> BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Gal. 5:19-21, Col. 3:5-7 CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Old Life as Living in Sin</li> <li>Characteristics of the Old Life (Gal. 5:19-21, Col. 3:5-7)</li> </ol>   <h2>Meaning of Old Life as Living in Sin</h2> The old life is a lifestyle that is against God’s will. It is a life full of sin in accordance to the dictates and passion of the flesh.

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