Marketing of Agricultural Produce
<h1>MARKETING OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE</h1> CONTENT <ol> <li>Meaning of Agricultural Marketing</li> <li>Importance of Agricultural Marketing</li> <li>Marketing Agents</li> <li>Marketing Channels</li> </ol> <h2>Meaning of Agricultural Marketing</h2> Agricultural marketing involves all the stages of operations which aid the movement of agricultural produce/commodities from the farms to the final consumers. Marketing involves assembling, storing, transporting, processing, grading of goods and financing of all these activities. It also involves the supply of raw materials to processing industries and sales of processed products. <h2>Importance of Agricultural Marketing</h2> The following are the importance of agricultural marketing: <ol> <li>It creates a link between Farmers and the final Consumers.</li> <li>It leads to the creation of employment to the agents involved in marketing</li> <li>It makes the supply of seasonal goods possible throughout the year with little or no variation in price</li> <li>It helps to prevent wastage of produced agricultural products</li> <li>It stimulates the Government to provide infrastructure like roads, water, storage facilities, etc.</li> <li>It makes goods produced in the rural areas to be readily made available in the urban areas where agricultural goods are not usually produced</li> <li>It enables producers to determine and know the Consumer’s taste</li> <li>It ensures prompt sales of agricultural produce which increases the farmers’ revenue and profit</li> <li>It stimulates researches into the techniques of food preservation and preparation to meet the Consumer’s taste.</li> </ol> EVALUATION <ol> <li>What is Agricultural Marketing?/Explain the term <em>marketing in agriculture</em>.</li> <li>State five importance of marketing in agriculture.</li> </ol> <h2>Marketing Agents</h2> Marketing agents are the people or corporate bodies that are directly or indirectly involved in the free flow of farm produce from the farm to the consumer. They include the following: