The Setting of the Text

The Younger apartment is the only setting throughout the play, emphasizing the centrality of the home. The lighting seems to change with the mood and with only window, the apartment is a small, often dark area in which all the Youngers – at one time or another – feel cramped. While some of the play’s action occurs outside of the apartment includes Travis’s playing out in the street with the rat and Walter’s drinking and delinquency from work. The home is a galvanizing force for the family, one that Mama sees as crucial to the family’s unity. The audience sees characters outside the family Joseph-Asagai, George Murchison, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Lindner, and Bobo-only when they visit the apartment. These characters become real through their interactions with the Youngers and the Youngers’ reaction to them.

The play is set in late 1950s when racial segregation against the black is highly invoked in United State of America. The play ends, fittingly, when mama, lagging behind, finally leaves the apartment.


  1. Give a detail account of the setting in the text.


The Themes

Themes are fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a Literary Work.

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