You must complete Responsible Use of the Computer and the Internet to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Introduction
  2. Misuse of the Computer and the Internet


The need to protect and keep data or information save from loss, damage or misuse it’s of utmost importance. Here are some several ways in which people misuse computers and the internet, namely:

Misuse of the Computer and the Internet

Invasion of Privacy/Hacking

This is an illegal access gained by an unauthorized person or someone into confidential files, documents and computer programs without permission. Such unauthorized access is known as hacking. Hackers can also access computers to collect private information about individuals or delete important information.

Abuse and misuse of the computer and the internet

Computer Virus

These are programs deliberately written to damage data by copying or replicating itself. People can introduce a virus into a computer system or network via fictitious e-mails, infected diskettes etc. without one’s knowledge.

Abuse and misuse of the computer and the internet


False data and information are sent through e-mails and mailings lists to fraudulently collect money and other items from unsuspecting victims.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Computer Studies Second Term
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