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  1. Meaning of Capital Market
  2. Institutions Involved in the Capital Market
  3. Sources of Funds for the Capital Market
  4. The Stock Exchange Market
  5. Companies Involved in the Stock Exchange in Nigeria Connected with Agriculture
  6. The Role of the Capital Market in the Development of Agribusiness

Meaning of Capital Market

A capital market is where business enterprises, companies and governments raise long term fund to carry out their activities. Capital market refer to institutions that deal with medium and long terms loans for investors to inject into their business. A typical example of a capital market is the stock market. Agricultural investors like other business practitioners can approach this market to source for fund for agribusiness.  

Institutions Involved in the Capital Market

The following institutions are involved in the capital market:
  1. Commercial Banks
  2. Mortgage Banks
  3. Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and rural Development Bank (NACRDB)
  4. Government Agencies e.g. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
  5. Stock Broken Firms

Sources of Funds for the Capital Market

The capital market is funded through the following means:

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS3 Agricultural Science, SS3 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS3 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS3 Agricultural Science First Term, SS3 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS3 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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