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  1. Definition of: (i) Algorithm (ii) Flowchart
  2. Functions of Algorithm
  3. Characteristics of an Algorithm


Definition of Algorithm

Algorithm can be defined as a sequence of steps that defines how a particular problem can be solved in a finite and ordered manner. It is a set of rules and sequential steps. To make the computer do anything, one has to write a computer program, and such programs has to be in a step by step manner, the computer then executes the program, following each step mechanically to accomplish the end goal.

Algorithm can also be defined as a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem. They are usually written in English and some few mathematical notations.

Functions of Algorithm

(i) It helps the programmer to know all the steps required for writing a program without skipping any.

(ii) It improves program development skills of a programmer.

(iii) It shows the order of sequence of steps in a program

(iv) It helps programmer to know each step required for a program

Characteristics of an Algorithm

There are four features of a good algorithm;

(i) It must be precise and unambiguous: This means every step must clearly show what it should do.

Lesson tags: Computer Science Lesson Notes, Computer Science Objective Questions, SS2 Computer Science, SS2 Computer Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Computer Science Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Computer Science Objective Questions, SS2 Computer Science Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Computer Science Third Term
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