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  1. Alphanumeric keys
  2. Identification of Alphanumeric Keys
  3. Correct Finger Placement on Alphanumeric Keys
  4. Soft Touch Manipulation of Alphanumeric Keys

Alphanumeric Keys

These are keys of all the alphabets (a – z) and numbers (0 - 9). The alphanumeric keys also include symbols at the upper part of the number row such as exclamation mark (!), at (@), ampersand (&) etc.

Identification of Alphanumeric Keys

Here, learners are to properly identify all the alphanumeric keys. The keys are to be shown to the learners by the teacher.

Correct Finger Placement on Alphanumeric Keys

For fingers to use on alphabets, refer to the previous lesson i.e week 6 on keyboard rows particularly the areas highlighted in yellow colour above. For the numeric keys, the 1st finger on the left hand side will press key ‘‘4’’, the 2nd finger will press key ‘‘3’’, the 3rd finger will press key ‘‘2’’, while the 4th finger which is the little finger will press key ‘‘1’’.

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Business Studies, JSS1 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Business Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Business Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Business Studies Third Term
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