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  1. Meaning of Animal Nutrition
  2. Factors that Determine the Nutritional Requirements of an Animal
  3. Reasons for Feeding Farm Animals
  4. Classification and Characteristics of Feed
  5. Sources and Functions of Food Nutrients
  6. Types of Ration and their Uses
  7. Ration Formulation
  8. Principles or Factors to be Considered in Formulating Livestock Ration
  9. Methods of Formulating Ration
  10. Malnutrition in Farm Animals

Meaning of Animal Nutrition

Animal nutrition is the science that studies the food requirements of animals. Food is the major requirement of the body for substance and maintenance of all physiological, anatomy and pathological functioning. When food is lacking the body becomes lifeless. Hence the study of food is very important. Food given to livestock is called feed. The feed is needed forenergy, growth, repair of worn out tissues and general good health of the animals. A nutrients is any element or compound present in the food required by the animal for proper body functioning. A feed is any food substance which when fed to animals is capable of providing some of the nutrients necessary for up keep to that animal. Nutrition is defined as the science of feeding and nourishing the body. It is the series of processes by which an organism takes in or ingests, digests and assimilates food for promoting growth and for the replacement of worn out tissues. Animal nutrition can then be defined as the science of feeding an animal with an appropriate diet capable of nourishing the animal for growth, development, reproduction and repairs of worn out tissues. Therefore the ingredients used for making the feeds must have the following nutrients in adequate quantities and required proportions: (a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins (c) Vitamins (d) Minerals (e) Crude fibre (f) Fat (g) Water  

Factors that Determine the Nutritional Requirements of an Animal

The level of nutrient or nutritional requirement of animal depend on the following factors:
  1. Age of the animal – young grower
  2. Class of animal – egg producer, ruminant or non-ruminant, meat animal
  3. Production level – growers, young layers and old layer dry sow

Reasons for Feeding Farm Animals

Feeds are fed to farm animals for the following purposes:
  1. To provide necessary elements for repairing the wear and tear of the body to provide raw material for synthesis of body source in growth.
  2. To serve as a source of energy for vital processes in the body e.g growth, work, reproduction, respiration digestion etc. For generating heat necessary for maintaining body temperature. To serve as raw materials for the production of milk meat egg wool, etc.

Classification and Characteristics of Feed

Animal feed stuffs are classified on their chemical nutritional composition, bulkiness and use. The chemical composition or nutrients gives the potential value of the feed but does not give the actual value. Feeds can be classified into the following:

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Third Term
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