1. Definition of Foundation
  2. Functions of Foundation
  3. Types of Foundation
  4. Types of Soil and their Properties
  5. Excavation for Foundation

Definition of Foundation

The term foundation is the expanded base of a column in addition to the ground or sub-soil which supports the base. The ground or sub soil on which the building stands is the natural foundation, while the expanded base which is constructed of concrete or mansory materials like rocks, stones, bricks is called artificial foundation. The choice of foundation depends on the type of building to be constructed, the load imposed on the building and the type and nature of the soil.

Functions of the Foundation

  1. To receive the weight of the building.
  2. To distribute the weight of the building to the ground effectively.
  3. To hold the building firmly to the ground against external forces like wind, storms.
  4. To transmit the weight of the building to the sub-soil or ground.
  5. To sustain the dead load of the building.

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