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  1. Meaning of Bulk Buying
  2. Advantages of Bulk Purchasing
  3. Disadvantages of Bulk Purchasing

Meaning of Bulk Buying

Bulk buying is the process of buying foodstuffs in large quantities. It is the purchase of much larger quantities than the usual, for a price that is lower than the usual price.

Bulk purchase or bulk buying

Advantages of Bulk Purchasing

The following are the advantages of bulk purchasing:

  1. It is economical and saves money because it is cheaper to buy large quantities than in small bits.
  2. It saves time and energy: The home maker does not need to go to the market every day.
  3. It enables the home-maker to buy food in season (the period of plenty).
  4. It is very useful for food management in large families and institutions such as schools, hotel, etc.
  5. It ensures that food is always in the house.

Disadvantages of Bulk Purchasing

The disadvantages of bulk buying include the following:

  1. It can take much of the family income, and prevent purchase of other needed commodities.

Lesson tags: Home Economics Lesson Notes, Home Economics Objective Questions, JSS2 Home Economics, JSS2 Home Economics Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Home Economics Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Home Economics Objective Questions, JSS2 Home Economics Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Home Economics Second Term
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