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Definition of Cadence

Types of Cadence


Definition of Cadence

A cadence is a musical formula that conveys a feeling of repose ( rest ) at the end of a phrase or a composition. Such not only sound complete in a purely musical sense but also, because of their familiarity, lead the listener to expect a temporary or permanent stopping point.

Cadence is the name given to the last melody notes and chords of every phrase.

A cadence is an ending or resting point which usually comes at the end of a phrase, and usually consists of two or more chords.

A cadence is the completion of a phrase, sentence, or musical idea.

Cadences separate ideas in music just as commas and full stops separate ideas in language. i.e they are the musical equivalent of punctuation in speech or writing. Cadences are to music, what punctuations are to language.

They are shown by special chords so arranged as to give a logical end to a phrase or a sentence of music and thus help to bring out the meaning of the music.

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