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  1. Definition of Cadence
  2. Kinds of Cadence


Definition of Cadence

A cadence can be defined as a resting point in a musical composition. In music, there are such punctuation marks, as full –stops, commas, and so on. In other words, a cadence can be defined as “the phrase ending of a musical composition.

Kinds of Cadence

  1. Perfect cadence (full close)
  2. Imperfect cadence (half close)
  3. Plagal cadence (Amen)
  4. Interrupted cadence. (Surprise, deceptive, evaded)

Perfect Cadence

This serves as a full sentence which usually ends with a full stop, gives a sense of finality or conclusion. This type of cadence is produced by the movement of the dominant chord (V), followed by the tonic chord (I). In other words, the movement of chord V to chord I produces perfect cadence. Look at the following examples:

Cadences - Perfect cadence

Imperfect Cadence

This cadence is half-closed because it does not give any sense of finality. It acts as comma in a musical composition.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Music, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Music Objective Questions, JSS2 Music Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Music Third Term, Music Lesson Notes, Music Objective Questions
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