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  1. Trioxocarbonates (IV)
  2. Preparation of Soluble Trioxocarbonate (IV
  3. Laboratory Preparation of Sodium Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  4. Industrial Preparation of Sodium Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  5. Advantages of the Solvay Process
  6. Properties of Sodium Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  7. Uses of Sodium Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  8. Test for Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  9. Preparation of Insoluble Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  10. Hydrogen Trioxocarbonate (IV)
  11. Uses of Hydrogen Trioxocarbonate (IV)


Trioxocarbonates (IV)

Trioxocarbonate (iv) are salts derived from trioxocarbonate (iv) acid when it reacts with metals and metallic oxides.

All trioxocarbonate (iv) salts of Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Ammonium(NH4+) are soluble while all others are insoluble.

Note: All trioxocarbonate (iv) salts decompose to release CO2 when heated except that of Na and K.

Preparation of Soluble Trioxocarbonate (IV)

Soluble trioxocarbonate (iv) are prepared by bubbling carbon (iv) oxide through a solution of the corresponding alkali.

2KOH (aq) + CO2(g)   →   K2CO3(aq)  +   H2O(l)

It can also be prepared by heating the corresponding hydrogen trioxocarbonate (iv).

Lesson tags: Chemistry Lesson Notes, Chemistry Objective Questions, SS1 Chemistry, SS1 Chemistry Evaluation Questions, SS1 Chemistry Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 Chemistry Objective Questions, SS1 Chemistry Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 Chemistry Third Term
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