You must complete Double Entry Book-keeping to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Care of the Computer
  2. Items Used for the Care of the Computer
  3. The Keyboard Rows
  4. Divisions of the Keyboard

Care of the Computer

The following are the ways to take care of the computer:
  1. Clean the visible parts of the computer to ensure there is no dust or particles that can enter the machine.
  2. Clean the disk drives.
  3. Shut down the computer properly after use to avoid damage to your system and loss of documents.
  4. Provide adequate electrical supply for the computer.
  5. Use the right furniture, both table and chair for maximum use of the machine.
  6. Do not bring food items near the computer.
  7. Do not touch the exposed part of the disk.
  8. Do not plug your computer to a line that has other high electricity consuming items like refrigerator, water heater, etc.
  9. Cover your computer system when not in use to prevent dust.
  10. Provide air conditioner for the computer.
  11. Consult a computer engineer in case of any fault.

Items Used for the Care of the Computer

The following are the items used to take care of the computer:

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Business Studies, JSS1 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Business Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Business Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Business Studies Third Term
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