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BIBLICAL REFERENCES: John 4:46-54; 5:1-8; 9:1-7


  1. Jesus Cared for the Sick and Healed Them (John 4: 46-54; 5: 1-8; 9: 1-7)


Jesus Cared for the Sick and Healed Them (John 4: 46-54; 5: 1-8; 9: 1-7)

Meaning of Healing

Healing is the process of making someone that is sick well again through a supernatural power. Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, He went round doing good and healing those that were oppressed.

Among the healing miracles of Jesus were healing of;

  1. the Centurion’s servant.
  2. the leper.
  3. blind Bartimeaus.
  4. the woman with the issue of blood.
  5. Peter’s mother-in law.
  6. the demoniac.
  7. the paralytic.



Meaning and Causes of HIV/AIDS

HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease or an infection gotten through the following:

  1. Indiscriminate and unprotected sexual intercourse.
  2. Sharing of sharp objects.
  3. Use of unsterilized needles.
  4. Unscreened blood transfusion.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS3 CRS, SS3 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS3 CRS Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS3 CRS Objective Questions, SS3 CRS Objective Questions Second Term, SS3 CRS Second Term
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