BIBLICAL REFERENCES: John 4:46-54; 5:1-8; 9:1-7
- Jesus Cared for the Sick and Healed Them (John 4: 46-54; 5: 1-8; 9: 1-7)
Jesus Cared for the Sick and Healed Them (John 4: 46-54; 5: 1-8; 9: 1-7)
Meaning of Healing
Healing is the process of making someone that is sick well again through a supernatural power. Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, He went round doing good and healing those that were oppressed.
Among the healing miracles of Jesus were healing of;
- the Centurion’s servant.
- the leper.
- blind Bartimeaus.
- the woman with the issue of blood.
- Peter’s mother-in law.
- the demoniac.
- the paralytic.
Meaning and Causes of HIV/AIDS
HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease or an infection gotten through the following:
- Indiscriminate and unprotected sexual intercourse.
- Sharing of sharp objects.
- Use of unsterilized needles.
- Unscreened blood transfusion.
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