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  1. Careers in the capital market
  2. Buying and selling : meaning, cash or credit
  3. Transaction: Costs of Sale, Markup, turnover, profit and loss


Careers in the Capital Market

Careers are available in the capital market for those who study Accountancy, Economics, Finance and Business administration. Such people can work in:

  1. Stock broking firms as stockbrokers
  2. Pensions funds administration
  3. Stock Exchange
  4. Issuing House
  5. Insurance Companies, etc.

They can also be employed as

  1. jobbers
  2. bankers
  3. stock brokers
  4. insurance agents
  5. financial advisers
  6. Bull
  7. Bear
  8. Stag etc.


Transactions in the Market

Buying and Selling

Buying is the ability to obtain or purchase goods and services by paying cash or on credit.  Selling is the offering of goods and services for sale in exchange for cash or credit. Therefore buying and selling can be defined as the transfer of ownership of goods in exchange for money.

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Business Studies First Term, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions First Term
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