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  1. Definition of Growth and Development
  2. Growth and Developmental Changes
  3. Characteristic Features of Developmental Stages
  4. Classifying Growth and Developmental Changes (Temporary and Permanent Changes)
  5. Factors Affecting Growth and Development


Definition of Growth and Development

Growth is the permanent increase in size of an organism due to increase in number of cells. Growth is brought about by cell division.

Development is a series of orderly changes by which a living thing comes into maturity. It is a series of changes that occur during growth. It is a gradual process leading to maturation of organs and behaviour of individual like social, emotional as well as skill acquisition.


Growth and Developmental Changes

The noticeable changes in the body size over time is termed growth change. Growth change can be determined by measure of height and weight at time intervals while developmental changes can be observed by appearance of certain characteristics features and capabilities. Development leads to transition from one stage of life to another e.g a baby develops from infancy to childhood, then to adolescence and to adulthood. Developmental changes are progressive and move from simple to complex.


Characteristic Features of Developmental Stages

The developmental changes are characterized by certain features which include the following:

Lesson tags: Basic Science Lesson Notes, Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Basic Science First Term, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Basic Science Objective Questions First Term
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