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Characteristics of Greek, Arabian, Egyptian, Roman and African Music

Greek Music

The word music is derived from the Greek word ‘mousike’ (the art of the muse). It defines an art in which melody and words were ideally inseparable.

The great philosopher, Plato, proposed that education in music was sovereign and he really made it compulsory in Greek education.

Characteristics of Greek music are as follows

  1. Recurrences of Greek ideals in music such as the revival of Greek tragedy which gave rise to opera-drama song to music.
  2. Terms, such as perfect, imperfect consonance (4ths, 5ths, octaves, thirds, and sixths) come from Greek theory.
  3. Most of the music in ancient Greece were composed of one un-harmonized melodic line.
  4. Divine origin and religious important were given to ancient Greek music.
  5. The principal instruments used then were two forms of lyra and the kithara; and a double oboe, the aulos. These were all used as solo instruments and to accompany singing and recitation.
  6. Modern Greek music also has a rich tradition of folk music.

Arabian Music

Characteristics of Arabian Music

  1. This is the music from the Arab nations in the Middle East as well as the Northern part of Africa.

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts First Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions First Term
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