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CONTENT Classification of Farm Animals based on;
  1. Stomach Types: Ruminant and Non-ruminant Animals
  2. Feeding Pattern: Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores

Classifications of Farm Animals Based on Types of Stomach

Farm animals can be classified into two groups, according to the type of stomachs or digestive system that they possess. The first group is ruminants while the other group is non-ruminants.

Ruminants (Polygastrics)

These are animals that have complex stomachs and chew the cud e.g. cattle, sheep, goat, etc. They carry out regurgitation i.e. they act of bringing back already swallowed into the mouth for proper chewing. They chew the cud (rumination) which means they bring back their food into their mouth from the rumen through anti-peristaltic movement for proper chewing. This happened when the animal is resting. The complex stomach of a ruminant is made up of four cavities/chambers/compartments, namely;

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Second Term
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