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CONTENT Classification of Crops based on Life Span;
  1. Annual Crops (e.g. maize, yam, etc.)
  2. Biennial Crops (e.g. ginger, pineapple, cassava, etc)
  3. Perennial Crops (e.g cocoa, mango, etc.)

Classification of Crops based on Life Span

Crops complete their processes of growth at different lengths of time. Hence, crops can be classified as follows - annual, biennial and perennial.

Annual Crops

Annual crops are crops which complete their life cycle (length of life) within one year or in one growing season. These crops grow into maturity, flower, produce seeds and eventually die within one year. Examples are maize, rice, sorghum, soya-beans, guinea corn, cowpea, sweet potato, cotton, tomato, yam, etc.

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science First Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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