CONTENT- Classification of Crops based on Crop Plant Forms
- Monocotyledonous Crops e.g. maize, guinea corn
- Dicotyledonous Crops e.g. beans, melon
- Differences between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons
Classification of Crops based on Crop Plant Forms
A crop is any plant that has a useful purpose or economic value. Crop plants are grouped into two forms based on the structure of their seeds or the number of seed leaf it contains. Seed leaf is otherwise known as cotyledon. Food for germinating seed is stored in the cotyledon.Monocotyledonous Plants
These are plants with one seed leaf or cotyledons e.g. oil palm, coconut, banana, plantain, pineapple, date-palm, garlic, sugar-cane, cereals e.g. wheat, millet, rice, maize, sorghum, rye, barley, oats and all grasses e.g. guinea grass, carpet grass, etc.You are viewing an excerpt of this lesson. Subscribing to the subject will give you access to the following:
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