- Meaning of Commercialization
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Commercialization
- Meaning of Privatization
- Types of Privatization
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Privatization
- Meaning of Deregulation
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Deregulation
Reasons for Commercialization, Privatization and Deregulation
Meaning of Commercialization
Commercialization is defined as the reorganization of enterprises, wholly and partially owned by the government, in which such commercialized enterprises shall operate as profit-making commercial ventures without subvention from the government.
The commercialized public enterprise is encouraged to operate to make profit and sustain their operations: in every form of commercialization be it partial or full commercialization, the enterprise involved will enjoy freedom of operation as a profit-making venture.
Advantages of Commercialization
- Control of Monopoly: Government involvement helps to control private monopoly power.
- Remove bureaucratic bottlenecks and political interference through clear role definitions between the board of directors and the management.
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