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  1. Common crimes and Associated Punishment
  2. Food contamination/Adulteration
  3. Drug contamination/Adulteration

Common Crimes and Associated Punishment

Meaning of Crime

Crime can be defined as an illegal activity or action which an individual commits in any society. Crime can also be explained as breach of a rule of law for which punishment may ultimately be prescribed by some governing authority or force.

The following crimes are identified in our society:

  1. Theft: This is an act of stealing something. The person that steals is a thief. The associated punishment is imprisonment and this depends on the things he stole and the way he carried out the stealing. This will also determine the length of imprisonment.
  2. Rape: It is an act of forcing someone to have sex by using violence. A man can force a girl to have sex with her. A woman can also rape a woman. The associated punishment under the law is imprisonment.
  3. Drug Trafficking: It is a business of buying and selling drugs illegally.

Lesson tags: Civic Education Lesson Notes, Civic Education Objective Questions, JSS3 Civic Education, JSS3 Civic Education Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Civic Education Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Civic Education Objective Questions, JSS3 Civic Education Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Civic Education Second Term
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