You must complete Common Livestock Diseases: Viral Diseases to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Fungus Diseases: Aspegilosis, Mycotoxicosis, ringworm, scabies


Common Livestock Diseases

Fungus Diseases

A. Aspergilosis

It is an airborne disease that affects all domestic animals.

Mode of Transmission
  1. Mouldy feed
  2. Mouldy litter
  3. Contaminated equipment or tools
Signs and Symptoms
  1. Loss of  appetite
  2. Loss of weight
  3. Difficulty in breathing in poultry
  4. Abortion in cattle
Prevention and Control
  1. Avoid mouldy feeds
  2. Avoid mouldy litters
  3. Avoid over crowding
  4. Use of mould inhibitors and toxin binders

Common Livestock Diseases: Fungal Diseases - Aspergilosis

B. Mycotoxicosis

It is a fungal diseases that affects all animals.

Mode of Transmission
  1. Mouldy feed
  2. Contaminated water
Signs and Symptoms
  1. Stunted growth
  2. Haemorragias
Prevention and Control
  1. Avoid mouldy feeds
  2. Use mould inhibitors
  3. Use Toxin binders


It affects all kinds of animals.

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