You must complete The Central Processing Unit (CPU) to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Definition – Register, Address, Bus
  2. Types of Registers
  3. Function of Each Register
  4. Differences between Register and Main Memory


Definition of Data Conversion

Data conversion is the conversion of computer data from one format to another. Throughout a computer environment, data is encoded in a variety of ways. For example, computer hardware is built on the basis of certain standards, which requires that data contains, for example, parity bit checks. Similarly, the operating system is predicated on certain standards for data and file handling. Data conversions may as simple as the conversion of a text file from one character encoding system to another; or more complex, such as the conversion of office file formats, or the conversion of image and audio file formats.

There are many ways in which data is converted within the computer environment. This may be seamless, as in the case of upgrading to a newer version of a computer program.

Definition of Register

These are temporary storage areas for instructions or data.

Lesson tags: Computer Science Lesson Notes, Computer Science Objective Questions, SS2 Computer Science, SS2 Computer Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Computer Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS2 Computer Science First Term, SS2 Computer Science Objective Questions, SS2 Computer Science Objective Questions First Term
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