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  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of Safety
  3. Computer Safety Measures



Accident is an undesirable, unwanted and unpleasant occurrence that happens to man unexpectedly causing injury the person, damage to equipment and environment. It is such a common phenomenon and inevitable in a working environment, hence, there is need to proactively ensure and observe simple safety measures or rules.

Definition of Safety

Safety is a proactive step or measure taken to prevent an unforeseen, unpleasant and undesirable occurrence.

Computer Safety Measures

When using computers, safety measures must be taken to protect both the computer system and the people that are using it, by doing this; the computer’s life span can be prolonged. It can also be referred to as the control of recognized hazards.

The following points summarizes the safety measures every computer user is expected to take in the process of using the computer systems:

  1. Good sitting habit must be exercised.
  2. Using antiglare protection should be recommended.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Computer Studies Second Term
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