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Features, Components and Uses of Computing Devices

  1. The Abacus
  2. The Slide Rule
  3. Napier’s Bone
  4. Pascal’s Calculator
  5. Leibniz Multiplier
  6. The Jacquard Loom
  7. The Difference Engine
  8. Hollerith Census Machine
  9. The Analytical Engine
  10. Burrough’s Machine


Features, Components and Uses of Computing Devices

The Abacus

Abacus is an instrument used in performing arithmetic calculations. It is probably the first calculating device. The Chinese invented it, and because of its success it spread from China to other countries. The abacus is also called a counting frame, it consist of a tablet or frame bearing parallel wires or grooves on which counters or beads are moved. A modern abacus consists of wooden frame with beads on parallel wires, and a crossbar oriented perpendicular to the wires that divides the beads into two groups. Each column or wire represents one place in the decimal system. The Abacus was used for addition and subtraction. It could not carry out complex mathematical operations.

Lesson tags: Computer Science Lesson Notes, Computer Science Objective Questions, SS1 Computer Science, SS1 Computer Science Evaluation Questions, SS1 Computer Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Computer Science First Term, SS1 Computer Science Objective Questions, SS1 Computer Science Objective Questions First Term
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