- Meaning of Conflict
- Types of Conflicts
- Causes of Conflict
- Consequences of Conflict
- Conflict Resolution
Meaning of Conflict
Conflict is the breakdown of harmonious relationship, arising from clash of interest. Conflict can also be defined as a misunderstanding or disagreement between two or more people. Conflict therefore could be seen as the absence of peace. Conflict can arise between couples, work peers, offices, social clubs, communities, countries, and political governments. Understanding the basic types of conflicts that may occur in your daily environment can help you avoid disagreements or learn the best way to deal with them.
Types of Conflicts
1. Non-violent or peaceful conflict: This is disagreement or conflict that does not involve the use of force; but sometimes, it is based on certain rules and regulations; for instance, when a group of workers and their employers disagrees over salaries, a trade dispute is said to exist between the workers and management; also during sports competitions. This type of conflict also exists in the form of competitions, e.g.
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