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  1. Consequences/Effects of Cultism
  2. Solutions to Cultism

Consequences/Effects of Cultism

The consequences of cultism include the following:

  1. Threat to peace and security in campuses and the larger society when intra-cult clashes occur.
  2. Cultists cause death and cause unhappiness to the families affected by their activities.
  3. They make those who work diligently not to reap the result of their hard work.
  4. Maintenance of discipline among students in schools becomes difficult as cult members specialize in taking laws into their hands.
  5. Infringement on the right of others.
  6. Fall in academic standard in campuses as lecturers are sometimes intimidated to award unmerited grades by threats.
  7. Dismissal from school when the law catches up with cult members.
  8. They give bad names to institutions and the society at large.
  9. When caught, they give bad names to their families.
  10. Many cultists risk health problems because of harmful drugs they take. During initiation, they are made to drink dangerous concoction, which may cause sickness or death.

Lesson tags: JSS3 Social Studies, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Social Studies Second Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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