- Meaning of Constitution
- Sources of Constitution
- The Scope of a Constitution
- Features of a Constitution
- Types of Constitution
- Constitutionalism
Meaning of Constitution
A country’s constitution is the body of basic laws, principles, conventions, rules and regulations which govern the country. It is a document that establishes the institutions of the government and defines their powers, as well as relationship between various organs and agencies of government. It also contains the right and duties of the country’s leaders and citizens. A constitution is superior to all its other laws.
Sources of Constitution
- Legislation: These are bills passed into law in the parliament.
- Customs and Conventions: Constitutions derive also from customs and conventions which are strictly obeyed in society, but which have not been written down.
- Judicial Precedents: Constitutions derive much of their provisions from court judgments passed on very important subject
- International Document: The provisions of important documents such as the UN conventions on human and people’s right, form part of the constitution.
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