- Guidelines for Constructions
- Bisecting of Angles
- Bisecting A Line AB
- Constructions of the Basic Angles
- Construction of Triangles with Given Sides and Angle
- Bisection of Basic Angles
Guidelines for Constructions
When making constructions, the following guidelines should be followed.
- A short pencil of about 3 inches should be fixed on the pair of compasses when constructing to avoid any obstruction when turning your compass round to draw arcs.
- Ensure that the pivot of your pair of compasses is tight to avoid unwanted shift when carrying out your constructions.
- To ensure that your lines and points are as fine and accurate as possible make use of a hard pencil with a sharp point.
- Before making the actual construction, make a rough sketch of the problem under consideration. This will make the construction of the actual problem easy.
- Leave all your arcs and construction lines visible. Do not clean any arc that leads you to your final result.
- Double lines and arcs in constructions are not allowed, hence clean up all double arcs and lines neatly and re-draw.
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