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Definition of Boxing

Boxing is also called the manly art of self-defence. It is a sport in which two competitors or contestants try to hit each other with their glove-encased fists while trying to avoid each other’s blows.

The competition is divided into a specified number of rounds usually three (3) minutes long with one minute rest period between rounds, although amateur boxing is widespread.

History of Boxing

Boxing is as old as man. It began when a person first lifted a fist against another in play. Fist fighting was first played in the Olympic Games in about 688 B.C.

Early boxers fought with leather bands around their fist for protection and sometimes wore metal-filled leather hand covering called Cesti.

Boxing became a workman sport as prize fight attracted participants and spectators from the working class.

Modern boxing started in 1866 when Marques of Queen Berry gave a new set of rules of three (3) minute rounds with one (1) minute rest in between.

Skills and Techniques in Boxing

(i) The stance.

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