- Meaning of Dams
- Dams in Nigeria
- Production of Electricity by Dams
Meaning of Dams
Dams are physical structures constructed to trap or divert the flow of water. There are over 500,000 dams in the world. Dams are constructed for various purposes:
- To raise the level of inland water to make way for navigation via barge and boat.
- To irrigate farmlands or for other agricultural purposes
- To distribute water to places where water is scarce
- To control flooding
- For generation of electricity
N.B.: Note that dams are not water bodies, they are solid physical structures constructed to trap or divert water courses.
Dams in Nigeria
There are several dams in Nigeria as seen in the table below:
Data Source: Wikipedia
These dams are constructed for various purpose; irrigation, water supply project, hydroelectricity power generation.
Production of Electricity by Dams
The dams are constructed such that water is channel to be at very high altitude.
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