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  1. Definition and Meaning of Dance
  2. Uses of Dance
  3. Meaning of Choreography
  4. Principles of Choreography
  5. Meaning of Choreographer
  6. Meaning of Contemporary Dance
  7. Features of Contemporary Dance

Definition and Meaning of Dance

Dance is the rhythmic movement of the human body in space and time to make statements.

Uses of Dance

Dance is useful in the following ways:
  1. It is a means of communication.
  2. It is a medium of expression of oneself and idea.
  3. Many have made careers out of dance.
  4. It is an excellent confidence booster, especially for shy people.
  5. Ballet uses music and dance to tell stories.
  6. Dance therapy helps to improve the mental and physical well-being of a person.

Meaning of Choreography

Choreography is the art of composing or creating dances. It shows the movements and patterns of dance composition. It is the planning of movement for dancing. The steps and movement planned for a dance which may be written or improvised.

Principles of Choreography

All choreography regardless of genre is based on the following principles: (i) Dynamics: This deals with how it moves, time (fast/slow), weight (strong/gentle), space (direct/indirect), flow (bound/free), tempo (rhythm).

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Third Term
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