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Description of Outdoor Recreational Activities


Camping involves the movement of students under the guidance of adults from home or school to an environment which is less familiar. The site of the camp may be a remote village, a hill foot , in dense jungle or heavily wooded forest.

During the trip, students are exposed to various experiences. The main aim of the camping is to make students learn by doing. The camp may last from a few days to a week, during this period students are grouped to take care of their needs. Activities that are jointly undertaking include:

(i) Building of campfire.

(ii) Playing of various games.

(iii) Sightseeing in the neighbourhood.

(iv) Singing and moonlight play.

(v) Storytelling, riddles and jokes.

Safety Precautions during Camping

(i) Roll call of campers should be taken from time to time.

(ii) Campers should work in groups.

(iii) Campsite must be well cleared to keep away dangerous animals like snakes.

(iv) Any injury and sickness must be promptly reported.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Physical and Health Education, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Physical and Health Education First Term, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Objective Questions, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Objective Questions First Term, Physical and Health Education Lesson Notes, Physical and Health Education Objective Questions
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